Hi Girls.Today you were both very cute. Dad had class this evening, so our bedtime routine was a little off. After getting home from playing with a little friend I fed Erin. Erin, you were too tired to finish your bottle - that does not happen often! Then, I laid you down and you tossed and turned smacking your little thumb and hand. Meanwhile, I fed little Evelyn and it took forever! After thirty minutes of enjoying your snack, I burped you and put you down to sleep. Mind you, during this time, we had our usual music on to lull you both to sleep. Erin, you were still tossing and turning -- maybe trying to get comfy. Well, I laid Evelyn down with her little head touching yours and you gave a nice sleepy smile and closed your eyes. Maybe you felt safe - or whole - or something, but she was the trick that put you to sleep!
You are both so cute. Last night your grandpas were over and they were stunned at how you migrate to each other before falling asleep. They thought it was so cool. Dad and I are pretty used to it - but still think it is amazing. Every night you both migrate to each other - sometimes it takes only a few minutes, sometimes a bit longer. But, it is amazing that although you can't crawl or really get around you do manage to find one another and touch heads every night. This has been going on since we stopped swaddling you in blankets - you were probably around 2 weeks old.We love you lots!Mom & Dad