Wednesday, December 31, 2008
2009 Goals.....
I will be writing a new blog about this adventure. Feel free to view it - and pass along the link to anyone who might enjoy hearing about the highs and lows of freeclycling.
What is Freecycle you ask? Simply an e-mail club that allows you to electronically offer items you no longer need to other club members. They come pick the item up. Now, multiply that by 365 and you've got my 2009.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
2008 in Review
Yet, when you think about what happened, sometimes it is hard to think of much. So, I went through the family calendar and picked out some highlights to encapsulate the year.
- Closed on our "new house"
- Spent time in Marco Island, FL with family - so much fun!!!
- Nancy changed Real Estate companies
- Spent more time in Marco Island, FL - did not want to come home to cold and snow...
- Had the wallpaper in our bedroom and office stripped and the walls painted!
- The girls went on their first (and second) Easter Egg Hunts - at one they wore snowsuits!!
- Contemplated getting the driveway redone and widened
- Facilitated a Discovery Retreat for engaged couples
- Attended Nancy's cousin Julie's wedding!
- Painted the dining room RED!
- The birthday party circuit began...
- Got Buddy the dog.
- Attended Danny's (Dave's little brother) confirmation - Dave was his sponsor.
- Took a trip to Virginia to visit friends and act as Godparents to their 2 sons.
- Attended Danny's graduation!
- Went to a zillion birthday parties!!!
- Had a great time at the Justin Roberts concert at Ravinia with so many good friends.
- Spent countless hours at the local pools, parks and other outdoor venues.
- Had a HUGE party for Erin & Ev's 2nd birthday!!
- Had a HUGE family party - we got to see my brother Brian's family that moved to AZ.
- Had the girls taking swimming lessons - fun fun!
- More birthday parties!!!
- Went to lots of concerts in the park
- Had a great time at Andrea's graduation party
- Facilitated another Discovery Retreat for engaged couples
- Went on countless play dates with new and old friends
- Attended the girls 2nd variety show at their babysitters home - they did better than last year!
- Attended a fabulous "Jimmy Buffett" themed birthday party for Kent
- Attended Kayte & Chris's wedding celebration!
- Went to Lake Geneva with my mom and the girls - so much fun!
- Had a get-away birthday weekend with Dave in Lake Geneva
- Had a fabulous fancy dinner at Spiaggia - best gnocchi of my life!!
- Hit the zoo several times and had a blast!
- Went apple picking with Dave's family!
- Signed a contract to get the driveway refinished and widened!
- Had the driveway done!!!
- Went to a great party at Dave's work - petting zoo, pumpkins, hay ride, pony rides, what more could you want?
- Had our first real road trip with the girls to Eagle River, WI. We had so much fun on boat rides, playing with friends and just hanging out!
- Attended Dave's cousin, Lauren's wedding!
- Went on another road trip to Louisville - saw old college friends - great fun!
- Attended the Obama Rally Celebration - a once in a lifetime event!
- Attended/Hosted 3 (oh, wait ... 4) Thanksgiving celebrations
- Saw Santa about 5 times!
- Enjoyed feasting at 2 pancake breakfast events!
- Had a fun cookie party for the kiddies to decorate cookies and the parents to enjoy each others company.
- Celebrated 6 years of marriage and 11 years of love with my husband.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Erin and Evelyn (2008 in pictures)
Love, Dad
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
When do you open Stockings?
For example, my family always opens gifts first and stockings last, where Nancy's family opens stockings before gifts. She says that stockings are appetizers that whet your appetite for the main course where I maintain that they are icing on the cake and a gentle let down back to reality after the euphoric highs of Christmas gifting bliss.
Help us settle this once and for all. Do you look in stockings before or after gifts under the tree and most importantly... Why is the other way "wrong"? Nancy and I look forward to your comments on this Christmas Spirit'ed debate.
Christmas comes to our house
Nancy and I are not going out to my parents house in Harvard this year. The girls are getting older and it's time to cut the cord. I must admit it feels a bit strange but I guess this is part of really growing up. Now we have our own family and our own Christmas traditions which begin with waking up at our house.
Erin and Evelyn have quite a healthy dose of the holiday spirit this year. They LOVE seeing houses decorated in Christmas lights, they know not to touch tree ornaments because they are fragile, they know they are not to open any packages sitting under the tree, and they sing lots of Christmas songs including Frosty, Santa Clause is Coming to Town, Rudolph, and Happy Birthday (to Baby Jesus).
They recognize Santa, but are nowhere near ready to sit on his lap. But, this has not stopped Nancy and me tormenting them by taking then to several of Santa's Helpers in malls and other events and getting lots of precious freaking out photos.
Just because our family won't be having a carbon copy Christmas like in years past, there are many traditions Nancy and I want to continue. My parents, Dan and Nickie will be coming over to our house in the morning to open presents. We will be eating a large breakfast of scrambled eggs, ham, and croissants with hollendase sauce and the girls got their annual pair of Christmas jammies.
Nancy and I have finished all our wrapping and are going to bed so grateful for the wonderful, happy, and healthy family we have. We are truly blessed both with friends and so many family members who love us and who we love. Here's to many many years of happy and appreciated holidays going forward.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Daddy, you get timeout!
After getting the girls up and dressed, Nancy and I had were sitting on our bed when Erin marched in and said, "Mommy, Daddy, you lay down go night-night." Nancy and I looked at each other and decided, ok we'll lay down.
Erin then put her finger up to her mouth and Shh'ed us, told us once again to go night-night and closed the door. Nancy and I decided to play this up and we started hooting and hollering just like the girls do when they don't want to nap. Erin yelled back at us.. "You go NIGHT-NIGHT!"
She came back into our room carrying some of her books to give to us to read and said, "Here your books. Go night-night". We asked if we could get a couple of stuffed animals and Erin went galloping off to fulfill the request. When she came back with Curious George, I asked if she would sing to us. Erin did her best at singing the ABC's and then said, "No more talking. Mommy, Daddy go night-night" and once again closed the door.
To complete this re-enactment of our going to bed ritual, I asked for some water to which Erin gladly went too to get. While she was gone fetching sippies for us, Nancy and I were discussing how in our extra morning playtime with the girls neither one of us had taken the dog out yet. So I got up from bed and went downstairs to let Buddy out in the back yard.
When I got back Erin was standing in the room and removing the folded clothes on the rocking chair and throwing them on the floor. When she saw that I came back she pointed to the now empty rocking chair and said "Daddy, you get timeout."
"What did I do?" I asked. "Daddy, you bad. No get out of bed at night-night." I was in fact, in violation of Rule #3 of Big Girl Beds (#1 is no jumping, and #2 is no playing with the window blinds).
This was all in good fun and Nancy and I just marvel at the level of sophistication the girls play has become. Their ability to imagine and recreate scenarios down to the minute detail is amazing. And the rules of these games are so intricate and consistent. It is really neat to see their little brains developing and staring to navigate social order.
Luckily my timeout only lasted a few seconds. But I respected the rules of Erin's game and I sat in the chair until I told her I was sorry and asked if I could get up. She said yes and with that we all went downstairs to get on our coats and shoes to leave for our parish's holiday pancake breakfast.
On the drive to the "pancake party" as the girls were calling it, Nancy and I were asking ourselves if we give the girls too many timeouts since it is making this much of an impression on them. But Nancy said that they hardly ever get any timeouts at home. We know they get them once in a while at our baby-sitters, but still not that often. We have heard Erin give her stuffed animals timeouts lately. It's usually after one of the animals has "bitten" or "grabbed a toy" from another one of the stuffed animals. Erin is certainly grasping the concept of consequences (more so than some adults I know). Nancy suspects it's more of a power trip than anything else. There is not that much Erin gets to be in charge of in her life, and she is asserting herself over her stuffed animals. It's so neat to watch.
What a sweet and amazing way to start a lovely day.
PS - they loved the pancakes! Erin had 4 pancakes and 3 sausages! Ev had 2 sausages and 1 pancake. And, they did not like Santa - we'll post photos soon!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The girls slept over at my moms the other night. They went upstairs to begin terrorizing the house when Erin called down as I was walking out "Bye Bye Mom - see you next time!" Where the heck she got that phrase I can't even imagine! I got a good laugh out of it but think she should have been a teeny weeny bit sad I was leaving - maybe for just a second.
I called Erin to her room to help clean up her toys - she was busy tearing my room apart. She stuck her head out of my door and yelled back to me "Mom - what do ya need?" What do I need - I need you to get your little diaper bootie over here and help!
The other day we played at a friends home in the morning. My friend sent the girls home with baggies of Cheerios. When Erin finished her snack she asked for more. I told her we did not have any in the car and would need to wait until we got home. She said "Mommy have sex at home?" I said "I have treats and snacks at home - we'll have some soon." She then said "I have sex at home too!" I very quickly tried to change the conversation.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Big Girl Bed Update...
Today was attempt #2 and it was a total and complete success! We put them down around 12:45 and by 1:20 they were out! They always take a while to sooth themselves to sleep, so this 25 or so minutes was completely acceptable. It is now 3:12 and they are still snoring away. Yeah!
We'll see what happens tonight, but for now I am pleasantly happy :-)
Saturday, December 6, 2008
It's the end of the world as we know it...
The girls are 2 years, 5 months and 13 days old (or 897 days old). Every one of these nights they have slept in a highly confined space - and I think they enjoy it. But, we are closing in on a new era - one that includes big girl beds.
We have been talking about big girl beds for a long time - and the rules that go along with big girl beds - no jumping, no touching the blinds and don't get out until mom comes in the room.
Yesterday we went to buy blankies. Ev choose a bright pink super soft and cozy blanket. Erin went with a cozy white blankie with big bright colored polka dots! Seriously - if I had to pick out their blankets I would have picked these exact 2 blankets. But, they 100% made the choice. They love them!
Today Dave picked up the beds and we rearranged the room. Right now they are "sleeping" in their big girl beds - that's ri9ght, day 898. Maybe we should have held off until they are 900 days - or maybe 9000 days (that would make them over 25) ... that sounds better to me.
These photos and video are from their last night in cribs ;-(
Monday, December 1, 2008
No Night Night!
A while later I was in the family room on the first floor talking with my friend Heather. All of a sudden I hear them running around upstairs screaming "No Night Night". They run down stairs and make loops around the first floor screaming "No Night Night". They are giddy with their accomplishment.
This is the first time either of them has climbed out of the crib! And, they both did it! What did I do over the holidays to deserve this punishment!!! Looks like our big girl beds will be put to use sooner than we had expected. I am really nervous and not very happy.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Gobble Gobble...
Here are the highlights...
The girls are just wonderful and so go-with-the-flow. They just love parties so all of the hectic activities went over very well on them!
Both Erin & Ev had a wonderful time at Auntie Suzie's house. They seem to have a crush on Dave's cousins husband, Chris. Watching them play with him was so sweet. Not many young guys are all that into toddlers. But, he treats them so well and they just love him back.
It was so nice to have Dave home from work for 4 days. I was sad he had to go back to the office today.
I learned how to make a great lasagna and a tasty flan! Those were my 2 food experiments and they were both big hits!!
Our tree is up (we always do it the day after Thanksgiving). Now we need to decorate it and get out the rest of our decorations - yikes!!!
Again - Happy Thanksgiving!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Smash and Grab Bummer
Someone had scoped out the company's parking lot and decided my car was worth breaking into. They smashed my drivers side window and stole my GPS I had on top of the dashboard. In retrospect I guess I could/should have put the GPS in the glove box or something but I've clearly never had a problem before this.
So the security officers called the CPD who sent out a cop to take a statement and fill out a form (like that will ever do any good). The folks at WMS were really nice and helped put a piece of plastic up on my door so I wouldn't have to drive home in 29 degree weather with no window. It looked SO trashy though. But Nancy and I took the car into the shop and by the next day we had the window fixed. I don't think we'll be getting another GPS anytime soon, but word to the wise, we'll be taking the GPS in the other car off the dashboard when we leave the car for a good long while.
It's a bummer but what are you going to do? The whole thing reminds me of what I heard someone say once, "A liberal is just a conservative whose house hasn't been broken into yet." Well I'm not that cynical yet.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Time flies...
- Tonight we had a bunch of kids over for play and dinner. About 6 kids were in the kitchen drinking from little open cups. Ev was holding a toy mustard container. She dropped a few dashes of "mustard" into her water and said "yummy". Erin asked for some and Ev gave her a few shakes. Soon enough every kid was asking for mustard in their water and telling her how yummy it tasted. Pretend play is fascinating.
-The girls are total social butterflies. They want to see their friends every day! Every day they ask me what friends they will see. They have gotten very good at recognizing faces and knowing which mommy goes with which kid - and even both mom/kid names. They are constantly asking me where everyone is. Where Daddy? Where GiGi? Where Eliot? Where Uncle Dan?
- Erin is especially good at ending nursery rhymes and songs. She knows most of them and if you start off the line she will finish it - even if it is somewhat uninterpretable. Funny how much they love their nursery rhymes.
- I try to work on the girls memories by both remembering things and looking forward to things. It is amazing that if I tell them before bed we will be going to a museum - that's the first thing they will talk about in the morning. Dave showed Erin his business card a few months ago. Yesterday Erin found one, picked it up and said "Daddy's business card". We had not talked about them or looked at them in months.
That's about it for now - I'll post photos from the museum tomorrow!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Halloween Debrief...
So, the girls are nearly 2.5 and man do they love trick-or-treating. They walked their little hearts out and had an absolute blast getting all the candy their hearts could desire. Of course being the cruel parents we are they were not allowed to eat 99% of it - and that all went to Dave's work.
Erin was a ladybug and Evelyn was a bumble bee. Erin really wanted to be a butterfly, but I could not find a costumer. She seemed pretty content to be a ladybug. Ev would not wear her costume for a long time and then got into it. They both wore their antennas the entire time!!
In our neighborhood we get about 450 trick-or-treaters. Yes, 450 - they come from near and far. The street is blanketed with mini-vans and the kids are everywhere. It is a really fun holiday and we are so lucky to have this experience to share with our kids. The girls were lucky to play with our little neighbor Jack. We don't see him much lately because it got so cold! But, Halloween was close to 70 - which is unheard of in Chicago!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Another Family Wedding
Anyhoo... The ceremony was at Saint John Brebuff in Niles - that's where Dave went to elementary school. Dave's little sister and brother were in the wedding which was fun to see. And, the reception was at the Shedd Aquarium. We had cocktails in the shark and stingray area - and tons of tasty appetizers! Dinner was on the main lever with all the tanks - we even saw a guy inside a tank feeding the fish. I had the beef tenderloin and it was excellent! Dave had chicken something and he loved it. It was a super cool place to celebrate a new life together.
Lauren & Sebastian - Best wishes for a long and happy life together!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Why is Erin always sticky?
How do kids communicate?
Saturday Erin woke from her nap. She started making a ruckus and work Evie. Ev was not all to please to be woken by her sister. We gave Ev her milk and started playing with the kids. Ev then went into the guest bedroom and pointed at the pack-and-play that was on the floor. She pointed to it and said "open". Dave obliged and opened it up. Ev then went back to their room and got every animal/book/blanket Erin sleeps with and put them in the pack-and-play. She then said "Sissy go night-night"pointed at the pack-and-play and walked out of the room.
Ev officially kicked Erin out of her room.
Crystal Clear.
Too funny!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Jumping Jiggles
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Autumn Festival...
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Don't you wish you had a sister?
Friday, October 24, 2008
A Dinner Party...
Of course, this made me get up and see what they were up to....
Evelyn proceeded to drag me upstairs so she could get Pinkie Pie (her pink pony). She ran it downstairs and included her in the party.
It really is amazing to think of how their brains work. They must see us entertain often and knew it is just something you do. But, really it was the cutest thing ever!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Family Photos...
Friday, October 17, 2008
Seriously, the tallest slide??
Erin is always asking to go to the park, so it was nice to just play there for about 90 minutes. We went on swings, the teeter totter and did lots of climbing and playing in the sand box.
After a while Erin drifted off to the bigger kid jungle gym and climbed the stairs to the very top - about 15 feet up. She proceeded to slide down the twirly slide. This is so uncharacteristic of her! In this photo you can just barely see her - it is from my phone. The girls never cease to amaze me. I never though she'd do it, and she did it over and over. Ev climbed up and then climbed down - not taking on such a brave feat yet.
We had a fun lunch of hot dogs, mozzarella sticks and sips of grandpa's chocolate shake! Of course sweet tooth, Evie, gobbled it up. But, even Erin, the girl that does not drink milk, managed to chug down a good deal of it as well.
So funny!
Friday, October 10, 2008
What's Your Bedtime Routine?!?
Thursday, October 9, 2008
New Hats!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Watch out Mary Lou Retton!
Erin has learned how to do a somersault - all on her own! She started by sitting on a stool and just figured out the weight distribution and now she is an expert!
Here are a few videos. The sound is not great - some background noise, but they are funny to watch.
This is a great one that highlights their little relationship. Make sure you watch the entire video - it is not long.....
Jump Jump Jump...
Monday, October 6, 2008
Blog to Book - Part 2!
Check it out!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Another job for the resume...
I am driving my pretty little girls around town (to playgroup or the pool or whatever) and they scream out songs that I must play immediately! It is the funniest thing. They don't let it go - they will make their requests over and over until I can find the right song. I have even taken to having a post-it on the dash with their favorite hits and track numbers. Lately, their favorites include: Wheels on the Buss, Hokey Pokey, 5 Little Monkeys, Buzz Buzz and Choo Choo.
My life is so glamorous.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Another Great Trip to the Apple Orchard...
Speaking of next year, we have to remember that next to the petting zoo is an area where you can buy brats and ears of corn. There was no line and the food looked really good. That's the place we have to go next year instead of the restaurant.
As we drove back to our house Nancy and I looked up recipes for apple pies on our cell phones and stopped at a grocery storey to pick up some ingredients we didn't have. We invited our friends Sean and Jen over to help us eat our apple pie and the pot roast we had stewing in the croc pot all day. Erin and Evelyn played with their daughter and then passed out asleep at about 7:15. What a terrific day - can't wait to go pickin next year!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Cinnamon Stewed Apples
Cinnamon Stewed Apples
6 cups granny smith apples - peeled, cored and sliced (I used a variety)
1/2 cup packed brown sugar (you can use a little less)
1/4 cup apple juice
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/8 tsp ground nutmeg
1/8 tsp salt
Combine all ingredients in large heavy sauce pan.
Cover and cook over medium/low heat 45 minutes or until apples are tender - stirring occasionally.
Let stand 5 minutes.
If you are serving with pork or something like that you can stop here. If you are making apple sauce, then just throw it in a blender or Cuisinart and it will be a finer consistency for applesauce. If you are making applesauce I let it stand until no longer hot - just so I don't burn myself or anything.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Past Posts...
Blog to Book?
Sunday, September 28, 2008
What's new here...
- Too Funny! The girls babysitter says everything is too funny. Well, guess who now says everything is too funny!! Erin is too funny - Ev is too funny - I am too funny - everything is too funny.
- We went to the beach on Friday and had a blast. We had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on the sand. How you can enjoy a sandy pbj still amazes me. Well, as usual, they loved their little sandwiches. Erin put hers down and a seagull swiped it! Just like in her Curious George book. She was even able to communicate this to Dave when he got home from work. Her communication skills are ever growing and expanding!!
- I Did It! The girls love to profess when they do something. Well, at lunch the other day the girls were enjoying salami. Erin decided to put the whole piece of salami in her mouth and worked at chewing it for a long time - and finally swallowed it. She then proclaimed "I did it!" Well, darling, I am glad you managed to swallow your whole piece of salami without choking - good job!!
- Yesterday right after naps Erin was jumping on her bed and banged her tooth on the crib and hurt herself. The amazing thing was that she could tell us what happened. This is a very new skill - and really helps us know what the heck she is thinking!
- Tonight at dinner Erin very quickly ate her hot dog and wanted more. I told her there was no more - which made her a little sad. Ev then handed me her fork with a bite of hot dog on it - for Erin. So sweet.
- Evelyn loves cashews. She might be one of those people who picks them out of a mixed nut bowl.
- The girls are really enjoying listening to music - this weeks favorites include: Snuggle Puppy, 5 Monkeys Jumping on the Bed (2 different versions) and Wheels on the Bus. One day I listened to 5 Monkeys for about 2 hours straight and almost drove the car off a cliff.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
That's my monkey!
I have always loved Curious George - since I was a little girl. Never had an interest in dolls - it was all about the monkey.
Well, my girls have fallen in love with my friend, and Evelyn has literally stolen my favorite monkey. This is the monkey I have slept with for the past 8 years - since Dave bought him for me. Most nights I can steal him away and still sleep with him, but some nights she holds on tight - I think knowing I'll come and take him. When I do take him then Erin goes to my bed in the morning to bring him back to her sister. She seems to be in on the whole charade.
Note - this photo was taken prior to her obsession with Bob the Builder. Back in the good old days when she looked like a girl while sleeping.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Every Mom's dream...
And - don't you love the HUGE mosquito bites on her forehead - so feminine.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Best Apple Pie EVER!
Crunchy Carmel Apple Pie
Ingredients for the Pie
- 1 pastry crust for a deep-dish pie 9-inch (homemade or store-bought)
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 3 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
- 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
- 1/8 tsp salt
- 6 cups thinly sliced peeled apples ( fuji or cortland are great - I like to use a mix)
- 1 recipe crumb topping (see below)
- 1/2 cup chopped pecans
- 1/4 cup caramel topping
Ingredients for the Crumb Topping
- 1 cup packed brown sugar
- 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
- 1/2 cup quick cooking rolled oats
- 1/2 cup butter
Directions for the Crumb Topping
1. Directions for Crumb Topping: 1. Stir together brown sugar, flour, rolled oats.
2. Cut in 1/2 cup butter until topping is like course crumbs. Set aside.
Directions for the Pie
1. In a large bowl, stir together the sugar, flour, cinnamon and salt.
2. Add apple slices and gently toss until coated.
3. Transfer apple mixture to the pie shell (I remove the store-bought pie shell from the aluminum pie plate and transfer it to a 9-inch pie plate of my own, but you do not have to.)
4. Sprinkle crumb topping over apple mixture.
5. Place pie on a cookie sheet so the drippings don't drop into your oven.
6. Cover edges of pie with aluminum foil.
7. Bake in a preheated 375 oven for 25 minutes. Then remove foil and put back in for another 25 to 30 minutes without foil.
8. Remove from oven. Sprinkle pie with chopped pecans then drizzle with caramel on top.
9. Cool on a wire rack and enjoy warm or at room temperature.10. Serve with a good vanilla ice cream - don't go cheap with generic ice cream!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
no posts lately...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Crazy Potluck...
We are so lucky to have such good friends to enjoy time with. I'll post photos as soon as I get them - I am sure they'll be adorable. SEND THEM TO ME FRAN!!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Rain Rain Go AWAY!!!
I got home around 2pm and could not park in our driveway - and barely got down the street. I parked a block away - everything was flooded. When the girls woke up from their nap they came downstairs and were flipped out by the water outside our door. We got their shoes on and they went splashing in our new "pool" for a quick couple of minutes. By dinnertime water was about 2 feet deep in the street and our driveway was totally flooded.
We were very lucky that we did not have any water in our basement. By morning the street was dry and though the gardens are still wet, normalcy is back on the horizon.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
What a busy day!!!

After catching up with some old friends we were off to dinner with Dave's aunt, uncle and cousin. I told you this was a cramed packed day.
Dave's relatives had a great time hanging with the kids and catching up with how much they have grown and changed. Since it was the all you can eat noodle extravaganza at the restaurant the girls went absolutely nuts on breadsticks and noodles - loving every minute of it.
That bottomless pasta bowl at the Olive Garden is awesome!!