Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Past Posts...
Blog to Book?
Sunday, September 28, 2008
What's new here...
- Too Funny! The girls babysitter says everything is too funny. Well, guess who now says everything is too funny!! Erin is too funny - Ev is too funny - I am too funny - everything is too funny.
- We went to the beach on Friday and had a blast. We had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on the sand. How you can enjoy a sandy pbj still amazes me. Well, as usual, they loved their little sandwiches. Erin put hers down and a seagull swiped it! Just like in her Curious George book. She was even able to communicate this to Dave when he got home from work. Her communication skills are ever growing and expanding!!
- I Did It! The girls love to profess when they do something. Well, at lunch the other day the girls were enjoying salami. Erin decided to put the whole piece of salami in her mouth and worked at chewing it for a long time - and finally swallowed it. She then proclaimed "I did it!" Well, darling, I am glad you managed to swallow your whole piece of salami without choking - good job!!
- Yesterday right after naps Erin was jumping on her bed and banged her tooth on the crib and hurt herself. The amazing thing was that she could tell us what happened. This is a very new skill - and really helps us know what the heck she is thinking!
- Tonight at dinner Erin very quickly ate her hot dog and wanted more. I told her there was no more - which made her a little sad. Ev then handed me her fork with a bite of hot dog on it - for Erin. So sweet.
- Evelyn loves cashews. She might be one of those people who picks them out of a mixed nut bowl.
- The girls are really enjoying listening to music - this weeks favorites include: Snuggle Puppy, 5 Monkeys Jumping on the Bed (2 different versions) and Wheels on the Bus. One day I listened to 5 Monkeys for about 2 hours straight and almost drove the car off a cliff.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
That's my monkey!
I have always loved Curious George - since I was a little girl. Never had an interest in dolls - it was all about the monkey.
Well, my girls have fallen in love with my friend, and Evelyn has literally stolen my favorite monkey. This is the monkey I have slept with for the past 8 years - since Dave bought him for me. Most nights I can steal him away and still sleep with him, but some nights she holds on tight - I think knowing I'll come and take him. When I do take him then Erin goes to my bed in the morning to bring him back to her sister. She seems to be in on the whole charade.
Note - this photo was taken prior to her obsession with Bob the Builder. Back in the good old days when she looked like a girl while sleeping.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Every Mom's dream...
And - don't you love the HUGE mosquito bites on her forehead - so feminine.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Best Apple Pie EVER!
Crunchy Carmel Apple Pie
Ingredients for the Pie
- 1 pastry crust for a deep-dish pie 9-inch (homemade or store-bought)
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 3 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
- 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
- 1/8 tsp salt
- 6 cups thinly sliced peeled apples ( fuji or cortland are great - I like to use a mix)
- 1 recipe crumb topping (see below)
- 1/2 cup chopped pecans
- 1/4 cup caramel topping
Ingredients for the Crumb Topping
- 1 cup packed brown sugar
- 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
- 1/2 cup quick cooking rolled oats
- 1/2 cup butter
Directions for the Crumb Topping
1. Directions for Crumb Topping: 1. Stir together brown sugar, flour, rolled oats.
2. Cut in 1/2 cup butter until topping is like course crumbs. Set aside.
Directions for the Pie
1. In a large bowl, stir together the sugar, flour, cinnamon and salt.
2. Add apple slices and gently toss until coated.
3. Transfer apple mixture to the pie shell (I remove the store-bought pie shell from the aluminum pie plate and transfer it to a 9-inch pie plate of my own, but you do not have to.)
4. Sprinkle crumb topping over apple mixture.
5. Place pie on a cookie sheet so the drippings don't drop into your oven.
6. Cover edges of pie with aluminum foil.
7. Bake in a preheated 375 oven for 25 minutes. Then remove foil and put back in for another 25 to 30 minutes without foil.
8. Remove from oven. Sprinkle pie with chopped pecans then drizzle with caramel on top.
9. Cool on a wire rack and enjoy warm or at room temperature.10. Serve with a good vanilla ice cream - don't go cheap with generic ice cream!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
no posts lately...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Crazy Potluck...
We are so lucky to have such good friends to enjoy time with. I'll post photos as soon as I get them - I am sure they'll be adorable. SEND THEM TO ME FRAN!!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Rain Rain Go AWAY!!!
I got home around 2pm and could not park in our driveway - and barely got down the street. I parked a block away - everything was flooded. When the girls woke up from their nap they came downstairs and were flipped out by the water outside our door. We got their shoes on and they went splashing in our new "pool" for a quick couple of minutes. By dinnertime water was about 2 feet deep in the street and our driveway was totally flooded.
We were very lucky that we did not have any water in our basement. By morning the street was dry and though the gardens are still wet, normalcy is back on the horizon.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
What a busy day!!!

After catching up with some old friends we were off to dinner with Dave's aunt, uncle and cousin. I told you this was a cramed packed day.
Dave's relatives had a great time hanging with the kids and catching up with how much they have grown and changed. Since it was the all you can eat noodle extravaganza at the restaurant the girls went absolutely nuts on breadsticks and noodles - loving every minute of it.
That bottomless pasta bowl at the Olive Garden is awesome!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
We had fun at gymnastics - I'll have to take some photos and blog in a bit so you can get a sense of 2 year old gymnastics...
Good day overall - but we did miss Dave.
Monday, September 1, 2008
The perfect weekend!
Bike Rides...
We rode our bikes to the Wagner Farm to see the cows and horses - they girls got nice and close and really had fun. Then, we rode to lunch and capped the trip off with a stop at the park. They really love being on their cool bike seats - and Dave and I can use all the exercise we can get.
Dinner out...
Dave and I had the luxury of having his mom watch the girls so we could have a super tasty dinner with our friends Tom & Susan. We got all gussied up and went down town. I had the best gnocchi ever - and my filet mignon was also perfect!! Dave had guinea hen and a lamb pasta. It was so nice to eat a meal slowly and just enjoy adults!
Trips to the Park...
It is amazing how the girls have progressed in their climbing abilities. Trips to the park are really a blast - and that is where they want to be all the time!! They just love it - especially Erin. She tells us when she wants to go and basically just leaves the house.
We had a tasty dinner at our friends home. The girls had a blast playing nude in the pool. They just love spending time together.
There is so much more - and most of it was sweet nothings. It has just been a great weekend as a family. Tuesday will be a rude awakening when Dad is not there to help wake them up - I am sure Erin will not be happy.