Friday, October 31, 2008

Jumping Jiggles

There is a fun place in the area called Jumping Jiggles. They have all kinds of fun kid things. We went a few weeks ago with Jen, Kate & Ally. Just a few months ago Erin would wig out if you moved the teeter totter when she was on it, but she has become much more adventurous and now likes to use it properly.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Autumn Festival...

A few weeks ago Dave's employer (WMS) held an Autumn Festival for all employees families. We had a great time - and the girls just loved it. They went all out with plenty of activities for big kids and little ones. They had a petting zoo, pony rides, games, lunch and tons of free pumpkins!!
There was a really cute little orange piglet and Erin really wanted to catch it. She kept chasing it all around the pen, but just could not get it! What a bummer.

Ev really enjoyed eating cinnamon apple donuts. Something possessed Dave into giving her a whole donut!! I think she might have even eaten the entire thing! She was not as big a fan of the petting zoo and preferred to be held most of the time we were in the pen. Ev is not the biggies animal lover.

We also got to take a fun hay ride and tour of the manufacturing plant where they make the slot machines. That was pretty cool! Since we have one at home the girls know just how to play. Some day we might regret having a slot machine in the house... But, all the kids LOVE it!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Don't you wish you had a sister?

Watching the relationship between Ev and Erin develop is really the coolest thing. For the most part, they love each other and protect each other so much! Sometimes they squabble or fight over a toy, but most of the time they just enjoy
each other.

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Dinner Party...

A few evenings ago, after the girls had dinner they were running around the house playing - pretty normal. I had a few things to take care of on the computer, so I was in our dining room and they were going back and forth from the living room to the family room. They were especially good - and particularly quiet - which is always a time for questioning what the heck is going on. After about 10 minutes of silence and scurrying, I heard Erin start yelling "I Party. I Party. Cheers!"

Of course, this made me get up and see what they were up to....

Erin had set up our glass cocktail table in the family room with all of our little chairs around it - like 6 chairs/stools. She then put a stuffed animal (Tiger, Pooh, Curious George, Elmo, another Elmo) on each chair and a bunch of plastic food, cups, plates and misc. items on the table. She made a party!

Evelyn proceeded to drag me upstairs so she could get Pinkie Pie (her pink pony). She ran it downstairs and included her in the party.

It really is amazing to think of how their brains work. They must see us entertain often and knew it is just something you do. But, really it was the cutest thing ever!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Family Photos...

We spent Sunday morning at the local Botanical Gardens having photos snapped at us. Got some cute ones - enjoy!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Seriously, the tallest slide??

Today I took E&E to the park and then we had a nice lunch with my parents who have been out of town for a few weeks.

Erin is always asking to go to the park, so it was nice to just play there for about 90 minutes. We went on swings, the teeter totter and did lots of climbing and playing in the sand box.

After a while Erin drifted off to the bigger kid jungle gym and climbed the stairs to the very top - about 15 feet up. She proceeded to slide down the twirly slide. This is so uncharacteristic of her! In this photo you can just barely see her - it is from my phone. The girls never cease to amaze me. I never though she'd do it, and she did it over and over. Ev climbed up and then climbed down - not taking on such a brave feat yet.

We had a fun lunch of hot dogs, mozzarella sticks and sips of grandpa's chocolate shake! Of course sweet tooth, Evie, gobbled it up. But, even Erin, the girl that does not drink milk, managed to chug down a good deal of it as well.

So funny!

Friday, October 10, 2008

What's Your Bedtime Routine?!?

The girls have been good sleepers since they were little - thank god! Sometimes our bedtime routine is a bit chaotic! Take a look...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

New Hats!

Auntie Luci sent the girls great packages filled with sweatshirts, hats and hair bows all from Hayward, Wisconsin.

Check out how cute their hats are!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Watch out Mary Lou Retton!

Erin and Evelyn are little gymnasts!! They just love our Tuesday morning gymnastics class. You might wonder what a 2 year old can do in terms of gymnastics, but they do surprise me.

Erin has learned how to do a somersault - all on her own! She started by sitting on a stool and just figured out the weight distribution and now she is an expert!

Here are a few videos. The sound is not great - some background noise, but they are funny to watch.

This is a great one that highlights their little relationship. Make sure you watch the entire video - it is not long.....

Jump Jump Jump...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Blog to Book - Part 2!

Since a few have also expressed interest in turning their blogs into books, I wanted to share a site I found. This is what I'll be using to get my blog on paper for the girls. It is a great site - very customizable and not to pricey. What a cool service!!

Check it out!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Another job for the resume...

I've had many jobs in my day - I worked at Subway making sandwiches and then managing the store - American Eagle and Bloomingdales gave me plenty of retail experience - at CNA I did everything imaginable - and now I am a Realtor. But, my newest line item for the resume is jukebox dj. That's right. I have a new gig!! Picture this...

I am driving my pretty little girls around town (to playgroup or the pool or whatever) and they scream out songs that I must play immediately! It is the funniest thing. They don't let it go - they will make their requests over and over until I can find the right song. I have even taken to having a post-it on the dash with their favorite hits and track numbers. Lately, their favorites include: Wheels on the Buss, Hokey Pokey, 5 Little Monkeys, Buzz Buzz and Choo Choo.

My life is so glamorous.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Another Great Trip to the Apple Orchard...

For the second year in a row we took the girls apple picking to send off summer and welcome in autumn. We went back to our usual haunt, Royal Oak orchard in Harvard, Illinois. In addition to the four of us, we joined up with Dave's family. Dan, Nickie, Irene, and Ed all joined us at orchard.

It was a very hot day and the sun was extraordinarily bright. We packed pairs of jeans and sweatshirts but never came close to needed them. It was a beautiful day. We went straight to the orchard and picked a bushel of courland, fiji, and senshu apples. It was a good thing we brought the stroller. Not because the girls needed it, in fact they walked the entire day, but it was a great way to carry all the apples we picked back to the car.

Erin and Evelyn had a ton of fun at the orchard. They were so cute crawling under the branches of the trees and reaching up to grab the biggest apples. Even though this is the second year they come apple picking, we're not sure if they are totally in on the concept. Instead of putting the apples in our bags, they kept reaching into our bag grabbing the apples out, taking a single bite out of them and then throwing them on the ground.

After picking our apples we ate at a restaurant located inside the orchard. The line was very long and the food was fine, but probably not worth the wait. When we finished lunch we went to a petting zoo where the girls got to see a sheep, chickens, turkeys, and geese. Erin and Evelyn were expertly naming all of the animals but there was no way they were going to get close enough to pet them. Perhaps next year.

Speaking of next year, we have to remember that next to the petting zoo is an area where you can buy brats and ears of corn. There was no line and the food looked really good. That's the place we have to go next year instead of the restaurant.

On the way home Erin passed out in her car seat almost instantly. Ev wouldn't go to sleep for her nap. Instead she was just singing and looking out the window. When we told her to close her eyes and take a nap she told us, "No sleep" and kept singing.

As we drove back to our house Nancy and I looked up recipes for apple pies on our cell phones and stopped at a grocery storey to pick up some ingredients we didn't have. We invited our friends Sean and Jen over to help us eat our apple pie and the pot roast we had stewing in the croc pot all day. Erin and Evelyn played with their daughter and then passed out asleep at about 7:15. What a terrific day - can't wait to go pickin next year!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Cinnamon Stewed Apples

Since it is apple picking season, I have shared this recipe with friends, and figured I would post it as well. Enjoy!!

Cinnamon Stewed Apples

6 cups granny smith apples - peeled, cored and sliced (I used a variety)
1/2 cup packed brown sugar (you can use a little less)
1/4 cup apple juice
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/8 tsp ground nutmeg
1/8 tsp salt

Combine all ingredients in large heavy sauce pan.

Cover and cook over medium/low heat 45 minutes or until apples are tender - stirring occasionally.

Let stand 5 minutes.

If you are serving with pork or something like that you can stop here. If you are making apple sauce, then just throw it in a blender or Cuisinart and it will be a finer consistency for applesauce. If you are making applesauce I let it stand until no longer hot - just so I don't burn myself or anything.