Well, we're home! We've been home for about a week and it is so nice to be back home. It is always nice to be back home. Nothing beats sleeping in your own bed.
Let me tell you about our delightful flights home!
We had 2 flights. Fort Myers to Atlanta was fabulous - absolutely great! The layover was just fine - we grabbed dinner and stretched our legs. We were off to such a great start!!!
Then - I entered the 5th dimension of hell.
While boarding our flight from Atlanta to Chicago I was walking down 1st class and nearly fell over. Our original flight had changed and we were now in an airplane with only 2 seats on each side of the aisle. I started to get nervous.
The girls jumped in the seats next to each other and started off just fine. The flight attendants came by (the supposedly full flight) and told me the kids could not sit alone, but we would need to switch so I was with one and one took the seat I was in - next to a 30ish man. He piped in that he did not want to sit with "one of those." Okay - so the attendant told me we must sit in the order we were ticketed - which was the girls in A and B and me across the aisle in C. I figured this would be okay because once we got in the air I could move and it would all work out.
Now the girls are very comfy and have figured out just how much fun an airplane ride can be - they figured out how to raise and lower the tray - and the armrest. They were grabbing each others noses and doing everything else possible to have a blast! And, they were getting loud and it was making me crazy! I would tell them "do not touch that!" Erin would mimic back (while touching it) "do not touch that!"
Okay - we're just about to take off, right? Not so fast. We still had to sit on the tarmac for 80 minutes, as the winds were too strong. And, I was not allowed to get out of my seat to switch with one of them or have them on my lap or anything. I just sat about 4 feet away from them (and they knew I was not able to do a darn thing). They had fun doing everything I was trying to tell them not to do - and I was at a totally loss. They were not fussing or crying - just not being good little travelers that sit quietly and don't touch anything - hey, they're not even 3 yet. I bribed them with everyhting I had. They ate a sleeve of Fig Newtons and that didn't seem to make them happy - or calm. I can't imagine why all that sugar didn't help calm them....
Finally, we took off - and the rest of the flight went smoothly. I moved over and they took turns in my lap. Ev also joined the man that did not want to be near her. She sat like an angel. He did not seem happy.
We got home and they were estatic to see Daddy!! They were so happy.