Over the weekend, Nancy and I went to my cousin's wedding. It's pretty wild to think that my little cousin is old enough to get married. How is my mind you ask... is it blown? Ya, pretty much.
She married a really nice guy named Chris. Personality wise he reminds me a lot of Kayte's dad which I guess makes sense. The ceremony was lovely. It happened to be at St. Edna's where Nancy and I go to on Sundays. It was strange to go to St. Edna's on a day other than Sunday when the church was empty except for our family.
Kayte was an elegant and extremely pretty bride. I don't think I've ever really seen her all "dolled up". Sometimes you have to say the bride is so pretty just because that's what you do, but I could really mean it this time.
It was so cool to see so many people who we never see any more. My Uncle Pat and his wife drove in from South Carolina, and my cousin Steve and his wife came in from Georgia. There were lots of other relatives there too which we hardly ever see. They all live in the general vicinity but as our own families grow we just don't ever have the kind of opportunities to all get together like we used to.
So back to the wedding... Nancy was asked to do one of the readings during the ceremony. What's up with that? She married into the family. Blood might be thicker than water, but I guess that doesn't matter when you go and throw a bridal shower for someone. Nancy did a great job. She pronounced all the words correctly, didn't stumble up the stairs, sounded great, and even knew WHEN to go up for the second reading during the mass.
The ceremony was short and sweat. My Lutheran cousins were a bit worried that there would be a lot of standing and kneeling and other Catholic calisthenics but we didn't kneel at all.
The reception was at Maggiano's. I would have never thought to have a wedding reception there, but they had three banquet rooms that they all opened up together and had a dance floor and everything. The food was awesome, of course. There was Maggiano's salad, and chicken parmigiana, and salmon, and Rigatoni "D", and let's not forget the open bar!
Everyone was having a great time including the father of the bride. He was simply beaming although he was a blubbering sap at the wedding (it was very cute). Over the past could of months, my Uncle Mike has been very sentimental about "loosing his baby girl". He kept bringing up the Kozy Coup that she would ride in when she was 3, and all of these stories about when she was a baby.
I think Mike finally got pushed over the edge when he overheard Nancy and Kayte talking at the bar and heard Nancy as if she and Chris has a quickie in the limo on the way over to the restaurant. He literally stumbled back and did a spit take with his diet coke. Ahh, the good times!
Nancy and I finally got home after midnight and we were so tired. Not too many weddings left on my side of the family. This generation's wave is pretty much over. Kayte's sister Kris is the only one left but she's got a few years to go (most likely - but I guess one never knows).
Good food, good times, good people. Who could ask for anything more?