Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Yaya - Boo Boo - Sissy - Owie

Ev has an uncanny ability to push buttons. She knows just what to do to make her sister furious.

Well, Monday at the pool Erin slipped and scrapped her knee - no big deal. That is all she could talk about yesterday - her boo boo and wanting to show everyone the scratch. When we drove home from Wisconsin Erin was talking and talking about how she wanted to show Daddy.

So, Ev decided to sing a song about Erin's knee. In her soft and sweet voice she sang a scat including - Yaya - Boo Boo - Sissy - Owie. She went on and on with this song and it just drove Erin crazy!! Erin screamed at her - "Yaya no boo boo. No Sissy NO!!" This went on for a while. I think she did not like Ev taking any of her pain/pride in the scratch. Man, can Ev push puttons!

So funny!!

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