Friday, January 16, 2009

It's cold!

It is cold. Really really cold. Like the kind of cold you can't warm up from. The kind of day you just stay inside and don't even look outside. What do you do on a day like this? Well, we decided to take off our diapers (the kids that is) and wear "big girl pants". That's right, for 4 hours the girls played in undies without even wearing long pants. They had a blast - and were accident free! Ev was a champ - every 10-20 minutes running to the potty and making a few drops. Erin did a lot of sitting on the potty, but no results. She held it and held it... until right before her nap we were in the bathroom and I was just about to give up. Then, she did her business and could not have been more proud of herself!!! I kept telling her, if you go, we'll make cookies! So, the minute they wake from their naps, that's on our agenda. Of course, this will be done in Elmo undies!

PS - I still don't consider my self potty training! This is just an experiment.

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