Nancy and I attacked the ivy that has been growing on the south side of our house. It's been growing there for over 30 years and today it was time for it to go. We got all of the vines off the wall and managed to make some HUGE piles of the stuff on the yard.
Jim was helpful in winding some of the vines up with twine so the yard waste folks would take it away. We didn't get to the part of the job where we dig up the roots. That will have to wait for another weekend.
We bound up several big piles of vines, but we still had lots of little twigs and leaves too. Luckily, Nancy promised the girls we would go for a bike ride after dinner and get some ice cream. On our way to Dairy Queen we noticed that someone had put 4 empty plastic garbage cans out on the curb with a sign that said anyone could take them. What amazing timing!!
After ice cream I came back with the car and picked up the extra garbage cans and now had a way to clean up the rest of the yard. Erin wanted to help out cleaning up so she would grab a twig and throw it in our new bins. She loves to be a helper.
Good tough rewarding work. Good weather. Great weekend.
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