Monday, June 15, 2009

The Farmer's Market is Back

Last week our local farmer's market opened up for the summer season. Nancy had something to do so I took the little chicks to see all the action at the market. We were all ready to gobble up some freshly popped Lion's Club popcorn and if we were really lucky maybe even take in a song or two from a folk trio of Olde Town School of Folk Music students.

Well the weather was quite chilly. There were no fiddle, guitar, or banjo players in sight and to top it off the Lion's popcorn maker was broken. They said it would be another week before repairs could make it ready after the long winter season in storage.

So we tried to make the best of it by walking around a bit and looking at the fruits, flowers, jellies, jams, baked goods, homemade soaps and salsa concoctions available.

I recalled last year that the girls had some strange hard-core affinity for scones from the farmer's market so we went out looking for one to have a snack. Ev ran ahead to a booth that caught her eye. Before I could catch up to her, she had reached up and grabbed a cookie and took a big bite out of it.

I immediately reached for my wallet to pay for the cookie that Ev basically stole and I noticed that the price was only $0.75 which seemed way to reasonably priced for such a thing at a farmer's market. It was at this time that Ev spit out her mouthful of stolen goodness and reached up to put the cookie back on the table. It was only when I told her that she couldn't just put the cookie back did I notice one small detail of the booth we were at. Ev had copped and eaten a dog cookie. The entire booth was stocked full of home made dog treats that looked like regular baked goods!

There were dog treats that looked like crescents, cookies, there were even muffins complete with muffin paper. What kind of a dog needs their treats to look like muffins???

Anyway, Ev was not a fan of the dog biscuit (which I guess speaks to her taste in baked goods). And I told her that she should not reach up on tables grabbing and eating anything she can get her hands on. And that is really a lesson for all of us. Be careful of what you eat at a farmer's market when the Lion's popcorn machine is down. Your scone or biscotti might actually be a dog treat.

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