Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cooper is 2 months old!

Boy is time flying by!  It is hard to imagine little Cooper is already 2 months old!  We had his 2 month check-up today and he is just about perfect!  He is weighing in the 70% at 12 pounds, 8 ounces and is in the 90% percentile for height!  I think he is tall, but my parents think that sounds funny - maybe he is long.  The only area for improvement is his neck - the dr says its strength is "less than impressive".  Perhaps that is because he thinks tummy time is really nap time. 

He's stared smiling - although it might still be exercising his muscles.  Regardless, it is super cute.  He is a very good, and super quiet kid.  Sometimes I have to look in the rear view to make sure I did not forget him somewhere!  He's got a pretty good schedule.  I usually wake him so we can get the girls to preschool.  His morning nap is on the go while I do errands or sit at Panera working.  We pick the girls up and head home for some awake time.  He naps from about 1-4pm and then is up until bed time around 7pm.  Typically he wakes once a night - maybe twice, but that seems to happen less and less.  But, a quick bottle or nursing session and he is back asleep.

The girls just love him and are really great with him. I still think that it is a perfect age difference.  I really have not seen any regression or them acting up because of the little man.  They treat him with such love - it is really nice to watch.

1 comment:

Susan W said...

I love the bottom photo - Cooper is looking at Goofy like "who are you? And why are you on my knee?" Such a heartbreaker that one!