Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Cooper is 2 weeks old!

It really is amazing how quickly time flies by! Cooper is now 2 weeks old - and just the cutest little guy. He has so much platinum blond hair! I love giving him kisses on the head. He is a good eater - I think he'd eat constantly if he had the choice. And, he loves to be held. Not really one for the swing or bouncer yet - he just likes to be in your arms. It is funny to hear what other kids call him - kids that can't properly pronounce Cooper. Our neighbor calls him Scooper and a kid from the girls preschool calls him Cupid. I guess that's why people name their kid Bob - it is easy to pronounce!!

The girls are still being just wonderful with him. The both really love giving him kisses and holding him. He lays in their arms during story time and they like that. Evie holds his hand in the car when he cries - and she gives him his pacifier. That's the benefit of a car where all car seats are smooshed together!! But, it works, and makes little Cooper Happy.

I can't believe December is here - and Christmas is just around the corner! That's very exciting. The girls are so happy about the Christmas season. They are just loving all of the decorations, trees, lights and magic of Christmas! I wish I could bottle their love and enthusiasm - it is so genuine.

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