Friday, September 17, 2010

Cooper is 10 Months Old!

Today Cooper is 10 months old.  The weather has turned chilly - he is wearing jeans, a long sleeve shirt and even shoes!!  He almost never wears shoes.  I am not one of those moms that dresses my babies super cute - more like super comfy.  But, with the cooler weather shoes become more practical.

So, he is 10 months old and has 4 teeth.  His favorite past time is ... standing!  All the time.  His favorite thing to say is "mama", "dada" and even "uh oh".  His "uh oh" is not related to something dropping or anything - just a fun way to put words together.

The boy can eat.  Seriously, he eats like mad.  He'll scream at you if you don't feed him fast enough!  He LOVES blueberries and cheese.  Turkey, pizza, pasta, grapes, chicken, broccoli and cous cous are also some of his favorites.  But, nothing beats a blueberry.

Thankfully, Cooper sleeps really well.  Goes down around 7:30 and usually up around 6am.  We'd love him to sleep another hour, but not really too sure how to make that happen.  Still taking 2 naps a day - and most days does a pretty good job going down.  Funny how when he does not nap that is not a big deal to me - I just pack him up and do some errands.  Everything just seems easier with one!

The girls are still just great with him.  They are so proud that he stands - they go nuts!  They also love talking with him whether that means saying "uh oh" or even just making baby talk with him.  They make sure toys are not too small for him and are just great.

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