Saturday, December 4, 2010


This morning I woke up to Erin saying in a quiet voice "ha.............."  slow and quiet.  She looked out her window and saw a beautiful snowy back yard!

I don't even think we made it to 8:30 before the kids were outside in all their snow gear.  One of the highlights was both of the girls taking turns to pull Cooper in his little sled.  He LOVED it.  Laughed and giggled in glee.  Even when he got knocked over he was as happy as a clam.  Erin just got him back in his sled and off they went.  It was really the cutest thing ever.

We felt so blessed that winter kicked off on a Saturday morning and Dave could be part of the fun.  He was such a great sport and spent hours with the girls building a FABULOUS snowman.  We used oranges for buttons, a nice blue scarf, avocados for eyes, a pine cone nose, stick smile and it was just precious!

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