Wednesday, August 20, 2008

An Evening Stroll...

The girls are getting a little older and summer is on its way out, so we thought it would be nice to start taking the girls on walks around the block when I get home from work. What makes these walks different is that the girls actually walk around the block - no stroller.

They get about 3/4 the way around the block before the whine, but they are getting further and further without whining every day - yeah!!

On our evening walks we've discovered neighbors walking dogs, trees to touch, bigwheels to sit on and airplanes flying overhead. Today we discovered a brand new thing-a-ma-bob -- our neighbors sprinkler!!! The girls have never been through a sprinkler before, so this was a brand new experience.

At first, Erin was just walking down the sidewalk - not knowing any better - when suddenly it showered on her. She was somewhat befuddled, not knowing what was going on. After looking to us for reassurance, she walked through it again and started saying "I am all wet!" Soon, Evie (who was trailing us) got into the act and she took it one step further - walked right up to the sprinkler and stuck her head in it. Erin followed suit - and they were drenched - and having a blast!!! They played in this sprinkler for about 15 minutes and by the time we walked home they were sopping wet!! The only way we could get them to leave was to promise they could play with our neighbor - Jack. They really like playing with Jack.... But, that is a post for another day.

It was really fun to watch them take such joy in splashing in the sprinkler and puddles - amazing how something so small can make them so delighted!!

1 comment:

Carris Family said...

So fun! Zoe LOVES water, so it would make sense she would like sprinklers, and yet she is so timid and almost fearful of them. She begs to go to the Splash Pad, and asks me all the time to set up her sprinkler, but once I agree she hardly lets herself get wet. I think it is so fun that your girls knew right away just what to do!! Molly