Monday, May 17, 2010

Cooper is 6 Months Old!!

It is so hard to imagine Cooper is 6 months old!  Seems like he has been here forever - and yet also such a short time.  Time is a funny thing.

Well, my little man is just amazing!  He is a great sleeper - sometimes waking for a 5am bottle, but that is happening less and less.  He loves his solid food - except peas...  But, he does enjoy rice, oatmeal, bananas, apples, pears, carrots, mangoes, sweet potatoes.  And, he just loves his sisters.  He laughs and laughs at them - and they love putting on a show for the little guy.

He is starting to sit up on his own - falls over after a little while.  He is rolling very well from his back to belly and finding the other way a little more challenging.  And, he talks up a storm - squealing with delight!

His official stats...  18 pounds, 1 ounce (60%) and 28.25 inches long (95%).


Susan W said...

OH my gosh Nancy, he is adorable...look at those cheeks! They are way too pinch-able, that could be dangerous ;-)

Heather said...

He is so smiley!! What a cutie pie!! I love the additional pics you are posting on your blog.