Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cooper is Seven Months Old!!

Hard to believe that little Cooper is already 7 months old.  He is still the best little guy ever!!  Our girls just love him to pieces and he is so good natured.  He is right about 19 pounds - and super long!  Not the chunkiest kid ever, but he has a good double chin.

His newest skills are:
  • Rolling - he can no longer be left on a bed.  He'll roll off so quickly you might not catch him!  Thankfully, he has yet to hit the ground.
  • Sitting - he is a good sitter.  Of course, he does fall on his face occasionally - and he does not like that one bit!  But, he has come a long way!
  • Sitting in a high chair and grocery cart!!  That's right, my little guy sits in a restaurant style high chair and the grocery cart!  I try very hard to make sure he is not sucking all the nasty germs off the chair/cart.  

Coop loves to eat!!  We just started puffs, but he mainly eats our homemade baby food - and enjoys it!!

He will be having surgery on Monday June 28th to remove a nevus sebaceous from the back of his head.  Basically this is a birth mark - or collection of oil glands.  As he matures and hits puberty there is a good chance it would become cancerous.  Therefore, it needs to be removed.  Due to its large size the surgeon wants it gone immediately - while he has ample skin on his head and would be bothered least by surgery and stitches.  Say a prayer for him!!

Nothing else to report. We just love him to pieces!

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