Today was great from start till finish!!!
The morning began pretty crazy, with a mad dash to get dressed, eat breakfast and get out the door for swimming class. This is our third week of swim classes. Evelyn is a little fish - she just loves it!! She blows bubbles under water, kicks, floats and just has a blast!!! Erin - not so much. For the first 2 weeks of class she cried like crazy and it was pretty miserable. But, today she was a trooper and did not cry at all! In fact, she even blew bubbles and floated a bit. It was a huge improvement!!
After swim classes, we went to a park for a picnic with friends and their kiddies. The girls had a blast. Evelyn loves the swing and enjoyed swinging her little pink pony. Erin had fun running around like a crazy girl.
We got home and both girls had nice naps.... bliss...................
Thankfully, the rain held off, and in the evening we walked to a great concert in the park. We packed a picnic of chips/guacamole (Ev's favorite food), chicken salad, fruit and pasta salad. Justin Roberts is a local children's musician and we just love his music. The girls had so much fun dancing to the music and playing with each other - it was really special and cute to watch them. The just seem to be more and more grown up every day.
A truly perfect day...
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Case of the Missing Rings...
So, since having the kids I have not been one to wear my wedding or engagement ring on an everyday basis. I think because they used to scratch the kids, I just got out of the habit. When I do wear my rings I usually put them away in a little ring holder in the kitchen or some other relatively random, but memorable place.
So, Thursday I wore my rings. When I got home I placed them on my nightstand on top of a magazine. Did not think much of it. Friday went by. Saturday went by and I remember thinking I should wear my rings - where are they. Sunday was a blur with the kids party. Monday I knew there might be a problem... I looked on my nightstand - no rings - uh oh. I did not have much time to tear through the house and look for the rings until Tuesday. So, Tuesday I dropped the kids off at their sitters and looked everywhere!! I completely cleaned out the nightstand, looked under it, behind it and everywhere in between. The room was completely cleaned - and no rings. Keep in mind I was assuming the blame on my missing rings was due to my girls - taking them and moving them. So, I was looking anywhere and everywhere upstairs under 4 feet high - every drawer, nook and cranie. I kept looking Wednesday and was getting pretty scared.
Thursday morning after Dave left for work I was laying on my bed thinking I needed to call my insurance agent - the rings were not going to be found. I rolled off the bed and looked under the nightstand and bed again. I also went through all the drawers again - no rings. If you look at the photo of my nightstand, there are 3 drawers - all of which had been scoured. Then, above the highest drawer there is a little pull-out thing where I guess you would put water on. I never use this - never even open it. I slid it open and voila - there are the rings!! The monsters moved the rings and hid them away. Thankfully I found them!!
Lesson learned - put your rings in a safe place.
Lesson learned - put your rings in a safe place.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Happy Birthday Erin & Evelyn...
Yesterday my little girls turned two. Man has time flown by. We had a great day together to enjoy each other and have some special time as a family.
The day started off with a trip to the beach. Lake Arlington is just about 10 miles away (and just a few steps from our last home). We met up with a few friends and their twins. The kids had a great time playing in the sand and climbing the near by jungle gym. Erin even ventured into the water to play with wet sand. Ev had no interest in the water - no surprise there. She seems to be rather disgusted by lake water... After playing for a few hours we had a great picnic and then hit another playground. Then, it was home for naps. Of course, Erin did not take a nap - she is only 2 and seems to be done with naps - and this is not a good thing!!
Around 4 we headed out for a few errands and ended up at Graziano's for dinner with Dave. By, the time we got to dinner Ev was starving!! She ate a whole roll and then the girls shared a rigatoni pasta dish with vodka sauce. They ate the entire dish of pasta!! And, it was a generous serving! Then, the waitress brought them each a small sundae - which they also managed to enjoy.
We got home around 6:45 (which is very close to bed time). But, we had not yet opened any presents from their birthday party. So, we gave that a try. It was mass chaos with wrapping paper flying everywhere. Erin was funny because she had to try on just about every outfit she received - she is such a girly girl!!
Then it was off to bed... so Dave and I could continue cleaning the house from their party! We are still recovering...
But, going back to it being their birthday, I really do feel like the luckiest person in the world. I don't know what Dave and I did to deserve the girls. They are such a ray of sunshine. We have so much fun with them - and they love each other so much. Every day is special - even when they are acting 2... I can't imagine what will be in store for us during the next year.
Monday, June 23, 2008
This past weekend was a whirlwind. Saturday was filled with swim classes, a birthday party, a board meeting for our ministry and then a bridal shower at our home. Talk about busy.
But, that was nothing compared to Sunday. We had the girls 2nd birthday party!! Similar to last year, it was a combined party with our friends child (he was born the same day as the girls and she was my next door neighbor in the hospital). Anyhoo... it was crazy!! We had about 90 people(many of whom were under 3 feet tall)!! The weather pretty much held out, the kiddies had a great time and everything went as smoothly as possible. I don't have any photos yet, but will post as soon as possible.
But, that was nothing compared to Sunday. We had the girls 2nd birthday party!! Similar to last year, it was a combined party with our friends child (he was born the same day as the girls and she was my next door neighbor in the hospital). Anyhoo... it was crazy!! We had about 90 people(many of whom were under 3 feet tall)!! The weather pretty much held out, the kiddies had a great time and everything went as smoothly as possible. I don't have any photos yet, but will post as soon as possible.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Summer Sangria
It's summer and what could be better than a nice cold glass of sangria??? Try this recipe and you'll love it!!
3/4 cup simple syrup (equal parts of sugar and water brought to a boil and cooled)
2 bottles red wine or white wine
3/4 cup brandy
1/2 cup triple sec
3/4 cup orange juice
2 oranges sliced thin
2 green apples slice thin
2 lemons sliced thin
2 bottles red wine or white wine
3/4 cup brandy
1/2 cup triple sec
3/4 cup orange juice
2 oranges sliced thin
2 green apples slice thin
2 lemons sliced thin
Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher and chill covered 2 hours or up to 2 days. Serve over ice.
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Today we had a playgroup photo session. Just imagine 14 moms and 17 kids taking a group photo!! Well, it turned out great. After the pictures with moms, we had the kids take a photo on their own. As you can see below - the photos were so funny. We can only imagine what the kids were really saying to each other, but it might have gone something like what we outlined below. Anyway - they are hilarious photos!! We are certain Ev and her friend have made up and continue to love each other!!

Hi, friend. That is a lovely pink top you are wearing. You look like you're having a bad day. What's wrong?

Here, let me give you this super-cool-fancy-thing-a-ma-bob.
I want your lovely locks!

With your hair I'll be able to take over the world!

Give it to me NOW!!!

What the heck are you doing?

Ouch. I think you just stole my hair.

Who me? What are you talking about?

I'm out of here!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Family Photos...
By the way - I am more regularly updating my Family Photos link on the right... Check it out..
A Trip to The Lambs Farm...
E&E were not so keen on the petting zoo, as I think the goats, sheep and other animals scared the heck out of them. Every time a goat would come by them they would make a B-line over to me to hold on tight.
The kiddies also had a picnic lunch, which was adorable!!

All in all we had a really fun time. Today, we're off to the pool.........
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
When I have time (and ingredients) I enjoy cooking. I really like to try new things - and also appreciate the tried and true recipes. I thought I'd use this forum to share some of my favorite recipes. I welcome you to try them - and I'd love to hear your experience!!
Salsa Verde - one of my friends has really become a terrific chef in the past few years. Going to his home is always a treat because he goes way above and beyond in his cooking. Anyhoo... he made this for his daughters birthday a few weeks ago and I loved it!!
2 cans of tomatillos, drained
¼- ½ onion (depending on the size), quartered
1-2 jalapenos
2 cloves garlic
Juice of ½ lime
Salt to taste (maybe ½-1 tsp?)
Leaves of 5-6 sprigs of cilantro
Put all of this into the food processor and just process until you get the right consistency. Chill and serve with a bag of your favorite tortilla chips.
Salsa Verde - one of my friends has really become a terrific chef in the past few years. Going to his home is always a treat because he goes way above and beyond in his cooking. Anyhoo... he made this for his daughters birthday a few weeks ago and I loved it!!
2 cans of tomatillos, drained
¼- ½ onion (depending on the size), quartered
1-2 jalapenos
2 cloves garlic
Juice of ½ lime
Salt to taste (maybe ½-1 tsp?)
Leaves of 5-6 sprigs of cilantro
Put all of this into the food processor and just process until you get the right consistency. Chill and serve with a bag of your favorite tortilla chips.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Mmmm, yours looks better than mine
Throughout the entire party, Erin kept asking for cake. We told her we had to eat dinner first and that we would not leave before it was cake time. That seemed to work until she remembered about cake and asked again (about 3 minutes later).
Sometimes Nancy and I ask each other what it must be like to have a twin. A constant companion, someone who is always there to play with you. Someone who you can share your whole life with. I guess this could be both a blessing and a curse. As this picture clearly shows Erin is taking full advantage of her twin-ness. Evelyn on the other hand may be having one of those "why am I a twin" moments.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Hugs are the best...
Despite the hair pulling, biting, hitting and everything else... they sure do love each other. They are always there to defend the other. And, if a snack is handed out they always make sure the other has one before even eating their own. It really is sweet to watch their relationship unfold.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Who would have throught the Potty could be so cool...
Erin is not the biggest fan. She was first to use it and has since not really wanted to be around it. But, Erin does like the special sippy cups that can only be used on the potty - and the cool book that makes flush noises. I even got them little undies - with Elmo and Curious George. They both really like them!!
Whatever... they are still young.....
PS - don't you love the blue toilet and tile!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
We love the farmers market
This past weekend our farmers market opened. We decided to ride our bikes to the market - and had the girls in their bike trailer. They hated the thing last year ... we just hoped they would have fun this year. And, they loved it!! That was really exciting. So, the market was a little bit of a bust, as there were no fruits or veggies due to the crazy weather we've had. And, though we promised them popcorn the entire ride, the Lions Club popcorn machine was broken.
But, there was a trio of folk musicians. We sat on the grass while the girls danced and played in front of the musicians. At one point they noticed the money basket and Erin tried to walk away with it - which is something they said happens nearly every time they perform. Evelyn then found my wallet in the diaper bag, opened it up and put $1 in the basket. She went back to Dave's lap, took another dollar from my wallet and put it in the basket. She then went back to my wallet and brought Erin $1. It was then we decided we needed to remove my wallet - before it was empty! But, it was so funny to see them figure out how to tip musicians. And, the musicians though it was hilarious.
Summer is just the best time of the year.
But, there was a trio of folk musicians. We sat on the grass while the girls danced and played in front of the musicians. At one point they noticed the money basket and Erin tried to walk away with it - which is something they said happens nearly every time they perform. Evelyn then found my wallet in the diaper bag, opened it up and put $1 in the basket. She went back to Dave's lap, took another dollar from my wallet and put it in the basket. She then went back to my wallet and brought Erin $1. It was then we decided we needed to remove my wallet - before it was empty! But, it was so funny to see them figure out how to tip musicians. And, the musicians though it was hilarious.
Summer is just the best time of the year.
A trip to the zoo...
Yesterday I had a wonderful day at the zoo with the girls - and my girlfriend and her baby from Cincinnati. I've not seen my friend in a few years - and never met her beautiful little girl. We decided to meet at the zoo and walk around for a few hours ... and we had a blast!!
The girls especially loved the monkeys and lion house. I think that is because they had the best views of those animals. They made lots of monkey noises and roars!! They do need some more education though. The kept calling every animal with 4 legs a dog. I must have said, no, that's not a dog, it is a giraffe, zebra... about fifteen times. It was very funny. We chose to relax for about 45 minutes in a large shady park where there was a large flock of geese about 100 yards away. Soon the geese all came over to us - and I mean they were just feet from us. Erin kept saying "no birdies". She was not fond of them being so close. When I have a photo I will post it.
Anyway, we had the best time. It was so nice to catch up with my friend. It is amazing that distance has separated us for nearly 10 years, but when it matters we are still very close friends and we can just pick up where we left off. I am lucky to have her in my life.
The girls especially loved the monkeys and lion house. I think that is because they had the best views of those animals. They made lots of monkey noises and roars!! They do need some more education though. The kept calling every animal with 4 legs a dog. I must have said, no, that's not a dog, it is a giraffe, zebra... about fifteen times. It was very funny. We chose to relax for about 45 minutes in a large shady park where there was a large flock of geese about 100 yards away. Soon the geese all came over to us - and I mean they were just feet from us. Erin kept saying "no birdies". She was not fond of them being so close. When I have a photo I will post it.
Anyway, we had the best time. It was so nice to catch up with my friend. It is amazing that distance has separated us for nearly 10 years, but when it matters we are still very close friends and we can just pick up where we left off. I am lucky to have her in my life.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
E&E's First Popsicle
Friday, June 6, 2008
It's HOT!!!

At the party, after cake Erin proceeded to clean up the deck. She is so funny always wanting things to be neat. Another

Evelyn was far too busy wanting to be on the swings to bother herself with tidying anything. She also had a blast with the water table.
When we got home I had to water a few plants in the yard. The girls were very funny in that they would bring me a cup of water from their water table and splash the plants. Of course the cup was nearly empty by the time they got it to me, but it was a very cute effort.
A difficult thing about twins
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Another Milestone...
Background - we have our car seats set up so Erin is in the middle seat and Ev is behind the passenger seat. Erin is just about always in the middle because she is a little bigger and we don't want to always fuss with adjusting seat belts. And, they are next to each other because they like to be near each other - at least some of the time.
Anyway... Today we drove somewhere (I can't even remember where) and I got out to get the girls out of the car. I unbuckled Erin and she was sitting in her seat. I was then unbuckling Ev to get her out. I asked Erin if she could get down and come to me. Sure enough, she popped out of the seat and walked over to me so I could lift her out of the car! And, when we got back in the car I just got her in the car and she walked over to her seat and hopped up into it! It will be so nice not to have to lift her in and out. I think this is a big deal because there are two of them and having Erin take care of herself and me only needing to buckle her in will save time and be more efficient. Who knows... maybe Ev can also hop in and out - we'll try that tomorrow!!
Anyway... Today we drove somewhere (I can't even remember where) and I got out to get the girls out of the car. I unbuckled Erin and she was sitting in her seat. I was then unbuckling Ev to get her out. I asked Erin if she could get down and come to me. Sure enough, she popped out of the seat and walked over to me so I could lift her out of the car! And, when we got back in the car I just got her in the car and she walked over to her seat and hopped up into it! It will be so nice not to have to lift her in and out. I think this is a big deal because there are two of them and having Erin take care of herself and me only needing to buckle her in will save time and be more efficient. Who knows... maybe Ev can also hop in and out - we'll try that tomorrow!!
3 Piggy Opera
So, today I took the girls to the Opera. Can you even imagine 2 two year olds sitting still for an opera. Well, they loved it. Did I mention the Opera was performed by kids in kindergarten and it was a rendition of The 3 Little Pigs?? That and the fact it lasted only 30 minutes probably helped the girls get through it without any fussing. They loved it - their little faces were just glued to the stage. It was a great time. I was so impressed that 5 year old kids could memorize so many songs and lines and do such a great job performing. I think it is because they have the best teacher ever - my friend!! She is amazing with her own daughter and I think all the kids in her classroom are blessed to have her in their lives. I can't wait for next years show!!
Monday, June 2, 2008
What a beautiful weekend...
This weekend was just about perfect! First, the weather could not have been better. Warm, sunny and a breeze - that is perfection. And, thankfully we did not have plans every 30 minutes - our summer schedule really books up!!
Friday night I saw Sex in the City with my girlfriends and that was fun. We all enjoyed the movie and it was a nice chance to get out of the house and relax for a few hours. Dave said he fell asleep right after I left, so I did not feel guilty for leaving him on a Friday.
Saturday we had a few nice walks, went to a fair and ended with a birthday party. Again, we just had a blast being outside so much. The girls just love being outdoors.
And, Sunday was just about perfect - we went to mass and then had lunch with our friends. In the evening, we had a graduation party which was a blast.
We were dog sitting my parents dog. And, you'd never know the girls used hate dogs. They are now just in love with Marmo (that's how they say Marco). Right now they just woke up and are calling for Marco from their cribs. It is amazing how much they have changed since we got buddy just a few weeks ago. Erin needs to say nighty night to the dog before bed and Ev has just been awesome with dogs in the past few weeks.
Today Dave is off to Reno, so it is me and the girls. I am sure his time away will fly by!! I just hope the girls don't have daddyitis...... they have been pretty whiny for them lately. Fun fun!
Friday night I saw Sex in the City with my girlfriends and that was fun. We all enjoyed the movie and it was a nice chance to get out of the house and relax for a few hours. Dave said he fell asleep right after I left, so I did not feel guilty for leaving him on a Friday.
Saturday we had a few nice walks, went to a fair and ended with a birthday party. Again, we just had a blast being outside so much. The girls just love being outdoors.
And, Sunday was just about perfect - we went to mass and then had lunch with our friends. In the evening, we had a graduation party which was a blast.
We were dog sitting my parents dog. And, you'd never know the girls used hate dogs. They are now just in love with Marmo (that's how they say Marco). Right now they just woke up and are calling for Marco from their cribs. It is amazing how much they have changed since we got buddy just a few weeks ago. Erin needs to say nighty night to the dog before bed and Ev has just been awesome with dogs in the past few weeks.
Today Dave is off to Reno, so it is me and the girls. I am sure his time away will fly by!! I just hope the girls don't have daddyitis...... they have been pretty whiny for them lately. Fun fun!
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