A few weekends ago was Memorial Day - what many call the first official day of summer. The weather was finally pretty nice. Rather humid, but since it had been so darn chilly, I was not complaining!!

So, after lunch we gave the girls had their first popsicles. Ev close pink (I think watermelon) and Erin went with Red (cherry). They really did not know what to do with them and dropped way more than they ate, but it was fun to experience with them. I am sure there will be many many more popsicles in their future!!
The girls have grown up SO MUCH!!! Every photo you post blows me away, Erin has a ton of curls (Like mama perhaps?) and Evie has an adorable grin...such beautiful babes.
ok, you got me addicted. I have been meaning to do something like this. the last post with the pocsicles, got to me. I started a blog too... lavertyfamilyblog.blogspot.com :)
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