Lesson learned - put your rings in a safe place.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Case of the Missing Rings...
So, since having the kids I have not been one to wear my wedding or engagement ring on an everyday basis. I think because they used to scratch the kids, I just got out of the habit. When I do wear my rings I usually put them away in a little ring holder in the kitchen or some other relatively random, but memorable place.
So, Thursday I wore my rings. When I got home I placed them on my nightstand on top of a magazine. Did not think much of it. Friday went by. Saturday went by and I remember thinking I should wear my rings - where are they. Sunday was a blur with the kids party. Monday I knew there might be a problem... I looked on my nightstand - no rings - uh oh. I did not have much time to tear through the house and look for the rings until Tuesday. So, Tuesday I dropped the kids off at their sitters and looked everywhere!! I completely cleaned out the nightstand, looked under it, behind it and everywhere in between. The room was completely cleaned - and no rings. Keep in mind I was assuming the blame on my missing rings was due to my girls - taking them and moving them. So, I was looking anywhere and everywhere upstairs under 4 feet high - every drawer, nook and cranie. I kept looking Wednesday and was getting pretty scared.
Thursday morning after Dave left for work I was laying on my bed thinking I needed to call my insurance agent - the rings were not going to be found. I rolled off the bed and looked under the nightstand and bed again. I also went through all the drawers again - no rings. If you look at the photo of my nightstand, there are 3 drawers - all of which had been scoured. Then, above the highest drawer there is a little pull-out thing where I guess you would put water on. I never use this - never even open it. I slid it open and voila - there are the rings!! The monsters moved the rings and hid them away. Thankfully I found them!!
Lesson learned - put your rings in a safe place.
Lesson learned - put your rings in a safe place.
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