Chicago summers are just the strangest thing. You go from fleece jackets to tank tops in about 3 days. And, it happened again this year. We went from 50 about a week ago to nearly 90. Yesterday we were at a great birthday party, and if you were in the sun it was smoking hot! Erin went to the party in a pretty pink dress. After a few minutes at the "water table" and then a few minutes in the sand box, we had to get rid of the dress and I think she was far more comfortable in her birthday suit. Evelyn did a much better job of keeping tidy and not needing to be changed.
At the party, after cake Erin proceeded to clean up the deck. She is so funny always wanting things to be neat. Another

mom poked me to watch her literally cleaning down the picnic tables and picking up trash under them. I can't imagine where she gets it from!!
Evelyn was far too busy wanting to be on the swings to bother herself with tidying anything. She also had a blast with the water table.
When we got home I had to water a few plants in the yard. The girls were very funny in that they would bring me a cup of water from their water table and splash the plants. Of course the cup was nearly empty by the time they got it to me, but it was a very cute effort.
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