Saturday, March 10, 2007

Dave to Ev

Good morning Ev,

The last could of days have seen you blossom. After watching you sister for a couple of weeks you decided it was finally time for you to stand up in the bath tub, crawl all over the house, sit up after crawling, and take away toys away from your sister. At least its an even playing field with the toys. I seem to see less of Erin taking toys away from you now as you just take them back.

Oh and one more thing. You and your sister have fallen in love with Cheerios. You can;t seem to get enough of them. Its fun to watch you eat them. You can pick them up great and even bring them to your mouth, but Ev, you forget to let go of them. They just get wet and stick to your hands and end up on the floor. You're making great progress and in a couple of days I bet you will be a Cheerios eating champ.

We've attached a picture of you this morning. Here is what you look like RIGHT NOW.
Love Mom & Dad (and Erin)

Monday, March 5, 2007

Erin is standing...

Hi Air-bear,

Here is a quick update. You are pulling yourself up on furniture now! Over the weekend you have gotten quite good at climbing up on your toy table and standing all by yourself. We are so proud of you even though you have not figured out how to get down (see your picture).

You are also making great strides at clapping but you show no interest in waving yet. We might have to send you off to waving boot camp. Many times you are holding your own bottle for a long time. That helps us quite a bit.

Evie has become more assertive and has started to take toys away from you so the playing field is a bit more even which is a good thing.

Mom and I love you so much and we can't be happier you are in our lives. Its so exciting to watch you learn and grow. We look forward to watching you learn and grow for many many years to come!

Bye for now,