Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve

What a special time.  This is the first year the girls really get Santa.  They liked ripping paper and opening presents last year, but this year they finally understand HOW they get under the tree.  We've been reading Christmas stories all month (a good balance of Santa stuff and Baby Jesus stuff).

So we get our PJ's on, brush our teeth, read our stories.  We talk about how important it is for the kids to go to sleep right away because Santa is very magical and he does not want kids to see him.  Only his helpers in the malls can see little kids.  The girls very enthusiastically jump into bed and tell me to leave the room so they can go to sleep (can it be Christmas eve ever night please?).

About 10 minutes later, Nancy and I hear this blood curdling scream.  "DADDY.... AAAAHHHHH, DADDY!"  I poke my head into the room to see what was the matter.

"We forgot to put out cookies and milk, Dad" Erin reminded me.
"Oh, that's a good point, Erin." I answered, "I wonder if it's too late to put them out.  What if Santa is already here?  We can't let him see us."
"Let's go very quick, Dad.  We have to give Santa our snacks.  He'll be so hungry if we don't" was her reply.
"OK. We better go downstairs and put the cookies out in that case.  Do you think we should do this fast so Santa doesn't see us?" I asked.
"Yes, let's go really really fast"

Erin, Ev and I tiptoed down the hall (at 7:15 PM) and started walking down the stairs.  As we came half way down the stair way I stopped to ask the girls "Is he down here?  Can you see him?"  Erin leaned way far over peaking her head down the stairway looking into the family room as covertly as I have ever seen her act.
"No, he's not down there."
"Are you sure?"
"OK, let's go... quick!"
Erin and Ev ran the rest of the way down the stairs directly to our fireplace and told me to get the cookies and milk.  We placed 3 cookies and a glass of milk on the girl's craft table next to the fireplace.
"We need to put out a carrot for Rudolf, too" Evelyn insisted.  So I grabbed one from the fridge.
"Are we all set, girls?"  They nodded. "OK, let's get upstairs quick before he gets here."
The girls scampered upstairs ran down the hall (no tiptoeing at this point), slammed their bedroom door shut and jumped into bed.  I can only imagine the dreams of sugarplums (and other things most likely) dancing in their heads.

What a nice Christmas Eve adventure to remember.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Work that Neck!

Cooper is in his Bumbo - what a great invention! He is still working on his neck, so he can't be in it too long without fussing. But, it is super cute to see him sitting and looking all around! It is also nice for him to join us at dinner or while I am cooking.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Cooper is 1 Month Old!

Little Cooper is not so little anymore! Well, actually he is still pretty small considering how big the girls are. But, he is finally growing very nicely! At his one month check-up he weighed in at 10 pounds, 4 ounces. He is also super long!! It seems his little body has finally unfolded and he now is a long, lean boy. In fact, he is already end-to-end in his 3 month clothing and needs bigger onesies! Those newborn and 0-3 month items don't last long at all! His vision is getting better every day and it seems he is seeing more and more - discovering ceiling fans and all kinds of lights around. He sleeps like a champion - and I really can't complain about a thing!

Poor little Cooper thinks Goofy's nose might give him some milk!

And, I just love this photo of Ev and Cooper. The look she is giving him is so filled with love.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Watch out Cooper...

Your big sisters are going to do all kinds of things to you. Things that some day you might not like. Right now you don't know what the heck is going on. But, rest assured one day you'll be bigger than they are and you'll be able to get your revenge!

Friday, December 4, 2009


"Snow!! It snowed today! Mommy... Daddy... do you see the snow?!?"

Erin was just thrilled there was a dusting of snow on the ground this morning. I think she and Ev will really flip out when they see the beauty of a true winter wonderland.

Seeing the Christmas season through the girls eyes is amazing. The joy they take over each home with lights is just precious. They compliment the homeowners telling me what a great job they did putting them up - if only we could get ours up! I am sure it will happen. And, if it doesn't, so goes life...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Cooper is 2 weeks old!

It really is amazing how quickly time flies by! Cooper is now 2 weeks old - and just the cutest little guy. He has so much platinum blond hair! I love giving him kisses on the head. He is a good eater - I think he'd eat constantly if he had the choice. And, he loves to be held. Not really one for the swing or bouncer yet - he just likes to be in your arms. It is funny to hear what other kids call him - kids that can't properly pronounce Cooper. Our neighbor calls him Scooper and a kid from the girls preschool calls him Cupid. I guess that's why people name their kid Bob - it is easy to pronounce!!

The girls are still being just wonderful with him. The both really love giving him kisses and holding him. He lays in their arms during story time and they like that. Evie holds his hand in the car when he cries - and she gives him his pacifier. That's the benefit of a car where all car seats are smooshed together!! But, it works, and makes little Cooper Happy.

I can't believe December is here - and Christmas is just around the corner! That's very exciting. The girls are so happy about the Christmas season. They are just loving all of the decorations, trees, lights and magic of Christmas! I wish I could bottle their love and enthusiasm - it is so genuine.