Saturday, April 24, 2010

Rub a Dub Dub...

Three kids in the tub...

After a nice Saturday of going to the tree house in Norhtbrook Court, lunch at Potbelly's, quiet time and lots of family time we thought the kids could use a bath.  Cooper was not seeming to be in the mood - he's not too fond of the tub.  After a little milk, his mood improved and in he went!  All 3 kids in the tub together - same way it usually happens.  But, tonight was different..........

For a while now, the girls select one dissolvable color tablet for the tub.  They each pick either a red, blue or yellow tab to put in the water and we talk about color mixing as their bath fills up.  Well, today Erin picked red, Ev choose blue and Cooper added yellow. But wait....

See what I mean is that while Cooper was getting washed, I guess the warm water must have worked its magic because he aimed right over in his little bath seat and started peeing on Ev.  At first Ev just looked at what was going on stunned and wordless.  Nancy didn't notice this, but I did.  Ev looked at her belly, looked at the stream, looked at her belly, and then looked at Cooper trying to figure out exactly what was going it.  It stopped .. but about a second later Cooper reloaded for another dousing.  This time Nancy saw it just about the same time Ev was able to put it all together.  Nancy and I were SO good at not bursting out laughing when Ev started getting this really disgusted look on her face.

Nancy broke the silence by asking "Ev, what just happened?"
"Cooper peed on me!" she said.
"Well, that's not using his manners is it?" Nancy said between giggles tryinig not to make a big deal out it this.
At this point Erin who didn't really see anything started laughing as she learned what had just happened.
Ev was a good sport at which point we all pretty much broke down laughing.

Last week, Erin fell into the toilet ... which is another story (I mean completely fell in the toilet complete with a wet bottom and all!), but in short order both Erin and Evelyn have good bathroom stories to tell.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cooper is 5 Months!!

 Little Coopie is already 5 months old!  My how time flies by.  Here are a few pics of him recently...  Pretty soon he'll be eating solids - which I am sure he'll love.  He's a big guy - so loooong!!  And, he is just the best baby ever!  Dave and I have had a chance to enjoy him as a little guy more than we could the girls - things are just easier with one - less hectic and stressful.  We enjoy every minute with him!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Looking Good!

One of the girls favorite places is Kohls Childrens' Museum.  They just love it!  The love working at Potbelly's and the grocery store.  They love taking care of the babies and animals at the veterinary clinic.  And, they LOVE making over their little mugs at the face painting area...  Take a look......

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Cooper's First Laughing Fit...

Cooper game us all a very sweet Easter gift.  In the evening we were all upstairs in Erin & Evie's bedroom getting ready for the girls to go to sleep.  We got them into their pajamas, brushed their teeth (Evelyn first with Colgate and Erin next with organic strawberry toothpaste), and started reading our three stories.  After the three stories were finished, Erin asked if Cooper could have a story too, so we selected Pajama Time.

But I told the girls I would read the book from the glider and they would have to go sit on the bed along with Nancy and Cooper.  When the girls climbed up on the bed next to Coop, his face lit up with the biggest smile.  Doctor Levin asked us if Cooper has started to show signs favoring one parent over the other.  Nancy and I don't think he has, but he definitely likes the girls (perhaps more than us).

Anyway, I started reading Pajama time and the girls (who were still a big giddy) climbed down off the bed and started dancing.  At this point Cooper busted out laughing.  Erin thought this was cool so she kept dancing which made Cooper laugh even more.  Evelyn got into the act too and both were now dancing (performing actually) for Cooper and he reciprocated with more laughing.

Nancy was practically crying this was so cute.  Both Nancy and I discussed how this was the very first time Coop laughed at something he saw.  Previously, he laughed but only when he was ticked.  But here through his laughing he was telling the girls he liked the crazy dancing he saw and they danced more.  It a really sweet way it was the first time he communicated with the girls directly.

Nancy and I are so lucky to not only have been there to see it, but see it together and to recognize it.  I hope that this will be the first of many, many, many, many happy times Coop and the girls have this sort of connection.

The blog goes private..........

For a number of reasons, I have decided to make this blog private effective May 1st.  If you want access, please just let me know and I am sure you'll be granted access.......

Cooper's New Friends...

I think Cooper's best friend is his thumb - so cute how he pokes himself in the eye while sucking on it!  And, he also found his feet and is trying so hard to reach them in his mouth and suck on them - I think his torso is just a little too long!  We can only hope that one day he'll be able to suck on those toes...

And, the pterodactyl has landed.  This boy loves to chat it up - especially at 5am!! I wish I could say it is cute - but man I want some sleep!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Swimming Lessons!!

Today was our first day of swimming lessons.  The kind of lessons where the parents don't come in the pool.  Actually, we are not even in the pool area.  We watch from a viewing area!  They are getting so grown up!

They thought it was so fun to wear their swim suits and cover-ups to the lesson.  And, since it is in the evening, they came home in their nighties, complete with wet hair - this was super cute!

They both did great!  Ev ran away from us so she could be the first in line - this is VERY different from her usual ways.  Normally she will be the very last in line.  Not swimming.  They had 3 instructors and about 10 kids and had their lesson in the zero depth pool.  They wore bubbles on their backs, floated on noodles, worked on blowing bubbles in the water and even had a treasure hunt!  They can't wait to go back next Monday night!!

I'll add pics to this blog soon!