Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Cooper's First Laughing Fit...

Cooper game us all a very sweet Easter gift.  In the evening we were all upstairs in Erin & Evie's bedroom getting ready for the girls to go to sleep.  We got them into their pajamas, brushed their teeth (Evelyn first with Colgate and Erin next with organic strawberry toothpaste), and started reading our three stories.  After the three stories were finished, Erin asked if Cooper could have a story too, so we selected Pajama Time.

But I told the girls I would read the book from the glider and they would have to go sit on the bed along with Nancy and Cooper.  When the girls climbed up on the bed next to Coop, his face lit up with the biggest smile.  Doctor Levin asked us if Cooper has started to show signs favoring one parent over the other.  Nancy and I don't think he has, but he definitely likes the girls (perhaps more than us).

Anyway, I started reading Pajama time and the girls (who were still a big giddy) climbed down off the bed and started dancing.  At this point Cooper busted out laughing.  Erin thought this was cool so she kept dancing which made Cooper laugh even more.  Evelyn got into the act too and both were now dancing (performing actually) for Cooper and he reciprocated with more laughing.

Nancy was practically crying this was so cute.  Both Nancy and I discussed how this was the very first time Coop laughed at something he saw.  Previously, he laughed but only when he was ticked.  But here through his laughing he was telling the girls he liked the crazy dancing he saw and they danced more.  It a really sweet way it was the first time he communicated with the girls directly.

Nancy and I are so lucky to not only have been there to see it, but see it together and to recognize it.  I hope that this will be the first of many, many, many, many happy times Coop and the girls have this sort of connection.

1 comment:

Susan W said...

This is such a precious story. I love the image in my mind :) You have three amazing kids.