Saturday, November 20, 2010

Cooper's Stats

I've been holding onto a piece of paper and I want to throw it away.

At Cooper's 1 year appt, he was 23 pounds, 15 ounces and 31.75 inches long. 

Whew - there, now can I please throw it out?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cooper is ONE!

I almost named this post Cooper is a Rock Star.  Because yesterday you would have thought he was a rock star.  From the moment he woke up, the girls were loving him and praising him even more than usual.  They were so very proud that their little brother is ONE YEAR OLD!  I can't tell you how many kisses he got - or how many times he was sung to.  But, it was very sweet and special.

I just don't know where the year has gone.  It FLEW by at warp speed and now my little guy is a whole year old.  What will I do when he goes to Kindergarten? I'll probably freak out.

He is such a great little guy. Crawling and walking while holding onto furniture - and using anything he can find as a walker.  He loves to play with trucks, balls, books and anything else he can get his hands on.  He is a BIG eater!!  Loves grapes and strawberries, chicken and hot dogs, noodles and rice! 

One of his favorite games is dropping stuff and saying uh-oh.  Not so cute if you ask me.  But, I love him anyway!!!


My girls love to draw and color.  They have a few jumbo coloring books - Hello Kitty and My Little Pony.  The sheets are twice as big as a normal book - and the pictures have a lot of detail.  White I sit working on the computer the girls come by and show me their work - and it really does look pretty!  Ev was working on a Hello Kitty page - all in blue.  I asked if she wanted to finish the sun, flowers and clouds.  Her response was that they are allergic to crayons.  Yes - the coloring book figures are allergic to crayons.  She informed  me that in 30 minutes the allergy would end and she would finish coloring. 

So, who is talking about allergies so much?  Perhaps she has a kid at school that is allergic to everything or talks about it a lot?  I just don't know. 

Regardless - so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy Birthday, Cooper!!

What a fast year it has been. Dave and I really can't even believe Cooper is one year old!  Don't know where the time went.  But, it has been a great year!  He is such a nice little guy - so smiley and happy!

One of the biggest blessings we've experienced in this year is how amazing our girls have embraced their little brother.  Never jealous.  Never hurtful.  So very helpful.  So very loving.  Such praise they give him.  They shower him with kisses, hugs and love.  True unconditional love.  It really is amazing.

On his birthday he got to enjoy cake - and boy did he like it!