Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Erin loves to drive...

Home Depot

Who would think you could have this much fun at the hardware store???


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Dave to Evelyn

Hi Peanut!

You are growing so much lately. You are a champion walker and are a very happy kid. Yesterday the family went to the park and you fell on the stairs of the slide and scraped your chin. You also got a bruise on your forehead from some other spill at the park that mom and I apparently missed. You are one tough kid with all your scrapes and bruises. It is quite a challenge keeping up with you as you try to climb on everything you can. Chairs, stairs, tables, even mom when she is sitting down. You are quite the dare devil. Erin on the other hand is not quite as daring as you. She doesn’t even like the swings at the park.

Mom wants me to tell you that you really love cheerios, fruit loops, plumbs, hot dogs, bologna, cheese, chicken, mac and cheese, bananas, chezits, lemonade, yellow raisins, and tortellini. You have a really cute way of eating your tortellini by taking your pointer finger and sticking through the hole and eating then one by one like they were rings on your finger. You love your cheese, and meat. Can’t really seem to get to eat a vegetable lately. Hopefully that will change soon.

You and your sister are playing very nicely with each other. You each fight over the same toy every once in a while, but it seems like the two of you are really figuring out how to share and take turns. This is especially true with the toy cars we play with outside. We have two cars that you girls like to play in. One is called a Cozy Coup which is Erin’s favorite. The other is a car with a handle that you sit in and mom and I push you around. You each play in your own cars for about 5-10 minutes and then the two of you switch. You really like the push car in our driveway. You sit in it and get your seatbelt strapped around you. Because our neighbor’s driveway has a slight incline, I bring you up to the top and push you down to mom. You love to go fast. Again with the dare devil attitude.

Mom has one more interesting thing to point out. Lately in the car seats, Erin has become very skilled at taking off her Velcro shoes. When she takes her shoes and socks off, you reach over and tickle her feet. She laughs and then you start to laugh with her.

Ah, yet more cute things you’ve started to do recently: you love to act like you are talking on the phone. You pick up one of our cordless phones or our cell phones and hold it up to your hear. You can’t really talk yet, but you act like you are talking and get the biggest smile on your face when you get the phone in your hands. Sometimes it doesn’t even need to be a phone. You also do this with the TV remote controls too.

Over the last couple of days you have also become a very good helper by picking up clothes off the floor and putting them in the hamper. Mom and I are trying to make a fun game out of this so it will last as long as possible. You with clothes, and Erin with the shoes will help us out a lot. We appreciate your help!!

These are just some of the funny and cute things that happen every day. You are so wonderful, and so much fun to have as a daughter. You are so very special to us and we love you with all our hearts. You are a good sister and it looks like you are on your way to becoming a good friend to Erin as well.

All my love,


Friday, September 14, 2007

Dave to Erin...

Hey, Punkin’!

Man oh man, you have done a lot of growing. You are sooooo much fun to play with. You laugh and giggle, and always seem to have a smile on your face. I love to come home and get greeted by you as I walk up the stairs. It just melts my heart.

You are being pretty nice to your sister. We think you make have said “Evy” or “Sissie” a couple of times but mom and I are not entirely positive it wasn’t just an accidental sound. You have dropped your morning nap, so now you are up from about 7 in the morning to 1 in the afternoon. By 12:30 or 1 you are very, very tired and take a nice long nap every afternoon.

Evelyn would probably still take a morning nap if you let her, but she won’t go to sleep if you are still up and around making noise and squealing so both you and her stay up till the afternoon.

Lately I’ve been a little bummed because my job has me leaving the house in the morning before you two wake up and by the time I get home I get to see the two of you for about 1 hour before you go to bed (and 15-20 minutes of that might be “I’m getting tired and crabby” time). But that’s ok. As you grow bigger and stronger you’ll stay up later and hopefully my commute from work might get shorter and Mom and I move to Northfield.

The two of you are really so much fun to play with on the mat, and in your big plastic cars in the driveway. I can’t wait to see what happens next. I guess that will probably be lots of words. I wonder what your little voice will sound like and what will be on your mind.


Hi Evie

Hi Ev,
Sorry it has been so long since I wrote - life is so crazy busy!!

You are so cute!!! You are just about 15 months and a really big girl. You have the cutest smile and are very independent. You like to play with your toys and are starting to give Erin a run for her money. She use to be able to steal your toys and you did not seem to mind. But, now you grab them back and stand up for yourself - YEAH!! You walk everywhere and have been doing so for a good month or so. You enjoy tickling your sisters feet in the car seats - she laughs and that makes you laugh. You don't really say any official words yet, but make all kinds of sounds - including the strange devil noise!! You caused a bit of mischief the other day when Grandma Irene was babysitting. There is a banister near our dining area that separates the dining area from the stairwell. You managed to squeeze your head (and you've got a big melon!) through the banister and proceeded to scale across the banister - above the stairwell with nothing protecting you! Thankfully when Grandma asked you to come back you just went right to her and were safe and sound - thank god!! Boy did we get a call about that one!!

I can't express in words how much I love you and your sister. You are both so very special - and so completely different! I look forward to seeing what you'll be doing in the next few months - and beyond!!
Love, Mom

Hi Er Bear

Hi Er Bear,
I am sorry not to have written in so long. It seems like forever since I had time to stop and drop you a line.
You are just about 15 months and a complete toddler!! You walk everywhere - actually, you run a lot. In fact, now that I think about it you pretty much never crawl. You have the funniest new squeal - you save it for when you are really happy! It is so funny. You are really enjoying playing peak-a-boo lately. And, you are a daddy's little girl. You love it when he gets home and always want hugs from him. But, the funniest think you do is tidy up! Yes, you are a stickler for putting shoes in the "shoe basket" and every night you put your clothes in the hamper. If you see a shoe laying around or dirty clothes, you put it in its place. We'll see how long this lasts, but we really appreciate the help! Your official first word is bubble - you love to watch them and bring me the container of bubbles a lot. You are saying ducky, water, mama and dada - probably more I am not thinking of.

Right now you and Ev are napping. You are both so special - the light of our lives. I can't tell you how lucky I feel to be your mom. I can't wait to see you grow up and get to know you in even more ways.
Love - Mom