Friday, September 14, 2007

Dave to Erin...

Hey, Punkin’!

Man oh man, you have done a lot of growing. You are sooooo much fun to play with. You laugh and giggle, and always seem to have a smile on your face. I love to come home and get greeted by you as I walk up the stairs. It just melts my heart.

You are being pretty nice to your sister. We think you make have said “Evy” or “Sissie” a couple of times but mom and I are not entirely positive it wasn’t just an accidental sound. You have dropped your morning nap, so now you are up from about 7 in the morning to 1 in the afternoon. By 12:30 or 1 you are very, very tired and take a nice long nap every afternoon.

Evelyn would probably still take a morning nap if you let her, but she won’t go to sleep if you are still up and around making noise and squealing so both you and her stay up till the afternoon.

Lately I’ve been a little bummed because my job has me leaving the house in the morning before you two wake up and by the time I get home I get to see the two of you for about 1 hour before you go to bed (and 15-20 minutes of that might be “I’m getting tired and crabby” time). But that’s ok. As you grow bigger and stronger you’ll stay up later and hopefully my commute from work might get shorter and Mom and I move to Northfield.

The two of you are really so much fun to play with on the mat, and in your big plastic cars in the driveway. I can’t wait to see what happens next. I guess that will probably be lots of words. I wonder what your little voice will sound like and what will be on your mind.


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