Friday, September 14, 2007

Hi Er Bear

Hi Er Bear,
I am sorry not to have written in so long. It seems like forever since I had time to stop and drop you a line.
You are just about 15 months and a complete toddler!! You walk everywhere - actually, you run a lot. In fact, now that I think about it you pretty much never crawl. You have the funniest new squeal - you save it for when you are really happy! It is so funny. You are really enjoying playing peak-a-boo lately. And, you are a daddy's little girl. You love it when he gets home and always want hugs from him. But, the funniest think you do is tidy up! Yes, you are a stickler for putting shoes in the "shoe basket" and every night you put your clothes in the hamper. If you see a shoe laying around or dirty clothes, you put it in its place. We'll see how long this lasts, but we really appreciate the help! Your official first word is bubble - you love to watch them and bring me the container of bubbles a lot. You are saying ducky, water, mama and dada - probably more I am not thinking of.

Right now you and Ev are napping. You are both so special - the light of our lives. I can't tell you how lucky I feel to be your mom. I can't wait to see you grow up and get to know you in even more ways.
Love - Mom

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