Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve

What a special time.  This is the first year the girls really get Santa.  They liked ripping paper and opening presents last year, but this year they finally understand HOW they get under the tree.  We've been reading Christmas stories all month (a good balance of Santa stuff and Baby Jesus stuff).

So we get our PJ's on, brush our teeth, read our stories.  We talk about how important it is for the kids to go to sleep right away because Santa is very magical and he does not want kids to see him.  Only his helpers in the malls can see little kids.  The girls very enthusiastically jump into bed and tell me to leave the room so they can go to sleep (can it be Christmas eve ever night please?).

About 10 minutes later, Nancy and I hear this blood curdling scream.  "DADDY.... AAAAHHHHH, DADDY!"  I poke my head into the room to see what was the matter.

"We forgot to put out cookies and milk, Dad" Erin reminded me.
"Oh, that's a good point, Erin." I answered, "I wonder if it's too late to put them out.  What if Santa is already here?  We can't let him see us."
"Let's go very quick, Dad.  We have to give Santa our snacks.  He'll be so hungry if we don't" was her reply.
"OK. We better go downstairs and put the cookies out in that case.  Do you think we should do this fast so Santa doesn't see us?" I asked.
"Yes, let's go really really fast"

Erin, Ev and I tiptoed down the hall (at 7:15 PM) and started walking down the stairs.  As we came half way down the stair way I stopped to ask the girls "Is he down here?  Can you see him?"  Erin leaned way far over peaking her head down the stairway looking into the family room as covertly as I have ever seen her act.
"No, he's not down there."
"Are you sure?"
"OK, let's go... quick!"
Erin and Ev ran the rest of the way down the stairs directly to our fireplace and told me to get the cookies and milk.  We placed 3 cookies and a glass of milk on the girl's craft table next to the fireplace.
"We need to put out a carrot for Rudolf, too" Evelyn insisted.  So I grabbed one from the fridge.
"Are we all set, girls?"  They nodded. "OK, let's get upstairs quick before he gets here."
The girls scampered upstairs ran down the hall (no tiptoeing at this point), slammed their bedroom door shut and jumped into bed.  I can only imagine the dreams of sugarplums (and other things most likely) dancing in their heads.

What a nice Christmas Eve adventure to remember.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Work that Neck!

Cooper is in his Bumbo - what a great invention! He is still working on his neck, so he can't be in it too long without fussing. But, it is super cute to see him sitting and looking all around! It is also nice for him to join us at dinner or while I am cooking.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Cooper is 1 Month Old!

Little Cooper is not so little anymore! Well, actually he is still pretty small considering how big the girls are. But, he is finally growing very nicely! At his one month check-up he weighed in at 10 pounds, 4 ounces. He is also super long!! It seems his little body has finally unfolded and he now is a long, lean boy. In fact, he is already end-to-end in his 3 month clothing and needs bigger onesies! Those newborn and 0-3 month items don't last long at all! His vision is getting better every day and it seems he is seeing more and more - discovering ceiling fans and all kinds of lights around. He sleeps like a champion - and I really can't complain about a thing!

Poor little Cooper thinks Goofy's nose might give him some milk!

And, I just love this photo of Ev and Cooper. The look she is giving him is so filled with love.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Watch out Cooper...

Your big sisters are going to do all kinds of things to you. Things that some day you might not like. Right now you don't know what the heck is going on. But, rest assured one day you'll be bigger than they are and you'll be able to get your revenge!

Friday, December 4, 2009


"Snow!! It snowed today! Mommy... Daddy... do you see the snow?!?"

Erin was just thrilled there was a dusting of snow on the ground this morning. I think she and Ev will really flip out when they see the beauty of a true winter wonderland.

Seeing the Christmas season through the girls eyes is amazing. The joy they take over each home with lights is just precious. They compliment the homeowners telling me what a great job they did putting them up - if only we could get ours up! I am sure it will happen. And, if it doesn't, so goes life...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Cooper is 2 weeks old!

It really is amazing how quickly time flies by! Cooper is now 2 weeks old - and just the cutest little guy. He has so much platinum blond hair! I love giving him kisses on the head. He is a good eater - I think he'd eat constantly if he had the choice. And, he loves to be held. Not really one for the swing or bouncer yet - he just likes to be in your arms. It is funny to hear what other kids call him - kids that can't properly pronounce Cooper. Our neighbor calls him Scooper and a kid from the girls preschool calls him Cupid. I guess that's why people name their kid Bob - it is easy to pronounce!!

The girls are still being just wonderful with him. The both really love giving him kisses and holding him. He lays in their arms during story time and they like that. Evie holds his hand in the car when he cries - and she gives him his pacifier. That's the benefit of a car where all car seats are smooshed together!! But, it works, and makes little Cooper Happy.

I can't believe December is here - and Christmas is just around the corner! That's very exciting. The girls are so happy about the Christmas season. They are just loving all of the decorations, trees, lights and magic of Christmas! I wish I could bottle their love and enthusiasm - it is so genuine.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Little Baby Cooper...

Little Baby Cooper is happy as a clam! He is a good little guy. We can't complain about sleep, as he does a 6 hour stretch at night! That's pretty amazing at 2 weeks! And, he's been doing it for nearly a week. We're still trying to figure our his feeding routines - the dr would like him to gain weight faster than we're at. But, all things considered, everything is wonderful!

We discovered the magic of the baby sling! He loves it - and it gives me arms! We brought it to Thanksgiving dinner and it helped us all have a much more peaceful evening! In fact, he is in it right now as I type this.

The girls are just loving him. I really think them being nearly 3.5 yrs old is the perfect age difference! They understand when I need to feed him and are very patient. They are also nice and gentle with him when they give hugs and kisses. And, they have not yet asked for him to be sent back! All great news!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cooper's 1st Bath at Home!

Well, Coop has had his first bath - and I don't think he even cried! That's a big success!! Our small bathroom was very full with the girls in the big tub and Dave tending to them while I gave little Cooper a nice, warm bath. It feels like things are all falling into place with 3 kids.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Welcome Baby Cooper!

We are thrilled to announce that Little Baby Cooper was born on November 17th at 5:58pm. He was 9 pounds, 2 ounces and 21 3/4 inches long! The delivery was relatively uneventful - considering all the crazy things that can happen. Actually, it was very boring for the first 6 hours and then pretty crazy for the last hour or two. Thankfully, I only had to push for about 15 minutes - if only my epidural was still working - that would have been nice! But, he is here and we're thrilled!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Almost Ready for Baby...

Well, my doctor told me I'd deliver so early - the baby is so big! It's looking like she was wrong! She scheduled me to be induced and then canceled it - the nerve! I guess s/he is just hanging out and not ready to enter the world! My ultrasound said the baby is 8.5 lbs! That's a whopper. Let's hope s/he comes soon!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Santa story...

Ho Ho Ho! I just read there are 44 days till Christmas - that's pretty crazy!!!

On our way to dinner tonight we asked the girls what they'd like Santa to bring them. Erin immediately chirped up saying she hopes Santa brings Evie a belt - because her pants are always falling down and her buns are hanging out.

That really made us laugh. But, we also thought it was sweet that her initial reaction was a gift for her sister. We'll see how long that kindness lasts!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Baby is Coming ... soon.........

It is very hard to believe that in just a few days our family will grow and we'll have another child in the house - not just another child, but an infant. The past few weeks have been so nice. We've been so lucky to have some really great time with the girls. Nice leisurely mornings in bed and fun as a family before bedtime. Sometimes we read our bedtime stories in the nursery - and they like to lay down in the crib and pretend to be the baby. They really seem to "get it" - that a baby will be with us. And, they are so excited. The don't know enough yet to be threatened or jealous of the changes that will be coming. They just have so much love for this little one - it makes me love them even more. We're so lucky to have the family we do have and the anticipation of bringing another into the family is really exciting. I'll just be happy when s/he is with us. Let's go!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Rainbow Dash!!

Erin's favorite pony just had a birthday! Yep, that's right... We've had Rainbow Dash for a year. What must you do to celebrate a birthday?? Have a birthday party! We had a celebration dinner and a wonderful pumpkin cake - with blue frosting! All the "guys" or stuffed animals joined us and there were even presents! Erin says Dashie turned 5.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Our Annual Trip to the Apple Orchard...

This was our 3rd annual trip to the apple orchard. We've made it a yearly outing with Dave's family - and it is really one of our favorite family traditions. Dave's mom could not be at the orchard this year due to school, but we were with his dad and little brother. The girls don't get to see Dave's dad too often, so it is really fun to watch his relationship with them. They are very physical with him - they just love to jump on him and give him huge hugs!

We had one new face this year, as we brought our little friend Kate with us. She is just a few weeks older than the girls, so we had triplets for a day! Her parents were at a wedding out of town and we hung with her - and had a sleepover!! Kate only wanted green apples, so she and Grandpa Ed had a lot of fun scouting them out.

We thought it was going to rain - the forecast did not look good. But, we had a great day! We were actually a little warm! Our jackets never made it on our shoulders. The girls wore rain boots in case it was wet and that was really pretty unnecessary.

We found a little furry caterpillar - apparently that's called a woolly bear. Of course, Ev wanted to hold it - she is always the little daredevil. Erin would not touch it - no surprise there.

We had a wonderful time on the train and carousel as well. Topped the day off with dinner at Grandma's where we got to see her Halloween decorations and chickens! The girls just loved it all! They both made sure to eat their meals so they could enjoy a huge cupcake!

Man were we tired by the end of the day. Perhaps it was because I am so darn pregnant, but I was just wiped out!

Monday, September 28, 2009


Today was a rainy, icky morning. The girls woke a little later than usual. I thought to myself today would be a great day to play hookie and not go to preschool. But, we busted our tails to dress, have breakfast and be out the door by 8:15. Sitting in the driveway I opened their backpacks to put their snacks inside. Lo and behold, I see a reminder note that there is no school today! Yikes - how could I have forgotten! Here is the conversation that transpired...
Me: Girls - there is no school today!

Erin: Then why are we in the car?

Ev: Why are we wearing our preschool shoes?

Me: (silently) What the heck are we going to do at 8:15am!!!???
I called Dave and asked is we could visit him at work. The girls had never been to his office. Of course he said yes - and the girls loved it there! Since he works in a "fun" field - gambling or gaming - there are many fun things to see and do at his office. They loved the magnets in his cube and his little dart board. They liked seeing their art work on his walls. And, just about everything else.

We then headed to Old Orchard mall to play there. I was very surprised the stores don't open until 10:30 - I thought everything opened at 10??? Whatever. But, they had a blast running on the dragons in the play area and hiding in the tunnels.

We made a great day of what started as a bit of a disaster! Glad we can be so "go with the flow."

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Preschool Update

The girls are loving preschool! My favorite part is when I pick them up. Every day Erin runs to me and SCREAMS! She is so happy to see me. She gives me the biggest hug ever. Ev just waltzes over - very much her style! I got this cute note from one of their teachers - it sums up their personality.

I was just thinking about the girls... I wanted you to know what a great job they both did and have been doing in group. Evelyn answered questions about the book on her own in a 10 person group setting which I thought was great for her. Also, they both made associations with the book. Erin asked, "is he a grown up?" and evelyn asked, "why doesn't he take a shower?" In the story Mr. Gilly, the trashman, takes a bath at the end... both girls worked together and made the association of grown ups taking showers and kids taking baths... it was really cute and thoughtful.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Weekend Get-Away!!!!!!!

This weekend we planned on going camping. But, it was chilly! At night it is getting into the 40s - and I think that's a little much for the kids (and me!). So, we had to make a plan b. We took the train downtown and had a weekend in the city!

It was the girls first train ride - and they really liked it! They liked looking out the windows and seeing all of the people. It was a fun experience for them!

We stayed downtown for just one night and made the most of our time! Our first adventure was taking a trolley ride to Navy Pier. They loved the trolley! Erin had her arm out the window waving and saying hello to everyone we passed - which was precious!

Navy Pier was pretty chaotic! But, we saw a Omnimax 3-D movie - Under the Sea. Obviously it was all about sea creatures. Erin was next to me and enjoyed much of it. However, when the sea snakes got in her face (due to the 3-D glasses) she was in my arms wigging out! Ev on the other hand, turned to Dave and said "I like those guys." My girls could not be more different!!

Next stop was the pool!! The girls have not been in the pool for a few weeks, so they were thrilled to put on their swimsuits and jump and play in the water! Their favorite is the hot tub which we held off on because I can't enjoy it - boo hoo.

Sunday we walked to Millennium Park and they had fun watching themselves in "The Bean" and playing chase in the park.

All in all, a terrific weekend away!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Daddy's on Duty...

Today was my twins club resale. This means last night I had to help get everything set-up and today I had to work the event - morning through mid-day. This leaves Dave responsible for the kids. Dave does a great job, but there are always some strange things that happen while I am gone.

Namely, on this day I found Erin's pants to be very tight - they were 2 sizes too small. And, Dave sent me this pic of Evelyn. Please keep in mind it is September and about 80 degrees outside!! She's got on a winter hat - and has completely painted her face at the Kohl's museum.

Oh boy. Good thing I am home.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today was my birthday! Dave was kind enough to get me some really great gifts - the digital photo frame was my favorite! But, the very best part of the day was having Erin sing Happy Birthday to me about 5 times. She has the sweetest little voice and I could listen to her sing all day long! Ev did join in and sing - and she also has a kind and sweet little voice.

Both girls singing really made my birthday special.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The big walk is nearly here...

I have not been good about posting my training efforts for the walk - so sorry! I have been training, although not as much as I'd like to of. But, I am going to give it my all and not push myself too hard. I never thought when I signed up that I'd be pregnant - never mind six months pregnant. But, I'll do my best and take it one step at a time! I'll keep you updated on the big event......

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


The other day Dave took the girls to the park to play while I was at a baby shower for Dave's cousin, Kayte. While there, Erin got stung by a bee. Erin does not like bugs or mosquitoes - never mind bees! She swatted it away and gave herself a good scratch. But, despite the bite and it swelling and turning bright red, she handled it like a champ. Dave asked if she wanted to leave the park and she said she'd like to stay for 5 more minutes. Ev saw everything that was going on and her response was - "Daddy - I need more buggie spray." Smart girl.

At least we know she is not allergic to bees!

Summer Camp is Almost Over...

Just 3 more days of summer camp for Evie. She's done such a great job at camp for the past six weeks - I think she will really miss it. She has so much fun with her new friends and also really likes her teachers. She'll be in great shape for preschool. She loves to talk about her friends - especially her boyfriends.

Thankfully, Erin will be attending the same preschool as Ev. It will make my life much easier to have them both in the same school - and classroom. Coordinating two schedules would have made life just that much trickier.

Since Ev has been in camp Erin and I have had time to do all kinds of fun things - crafts, errands, shopping, playing at the tree house, kids museum, local parks, attending music concerts and so much more... But, she is so excited to start preschool. Nearly every day she asks when preschool starts.

I recently bought them school shoes, jeans, tops and little fuzzy jackets. They love nothing more than trying on their preschool wardrobe, running in circles and jumping! It is really cute to watch. They put on a show for Dave a few days ago and it was precious.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Flirting at the park

Over the weekend, the whole family went over to our local park for a small summer party. Anne and the kids were in from Arizona, so the entire Doherty clan came by. We played catch, ladder ball, ate pizza and played on the park equipment.

I was pushing Ev on the swings (which is a full blown commitment since she will stay in those darn swings for 45 minutes straight). Meanwhile, Erin was off doing her own thing. She has taken a liking to laying on the big kid swings on her belly and running back and forth.

After a while I walk over to the other side of the part to check on Erin and she is gabbing away with this other boy and his dad who were also at the swings. I was very shocked because Erin is not one to talk to strangers. But she really liked this other little boy.

A few minutes later, Erin and this boy were laughing and chasing each other like crazy. She was running around squealing with delight. Then the boy started hiding from Erin. She would run all over the park yelling "Jackson!!!, Jackson! Where are you? Daddy, where's Jackson?" I'd point to a tree or something else he was behind and she would run to get him.

I later found out from the dad that Jackson was 4 1/2 (really, Erin, you are almost half his age!). I also found out that the his name was not Jackson, but Collin. I have no idea where Erin got Jackson from, but strangely enough, he had taken to calling Erin Sophie. So in about 15 minutes these two already have pet names for each other.

No matter where Jackson/Collin would go, Sophie/Erin was like his little shadow. But she was far from being a pest. When I took Erin to the washroom, Jackson/Collin was apparently very concerned that she may have gone home. I guess he liked all the attention he was getting.

Now comes the "holy cow" part. I walking around the park equipment with Sophie/Erin as she and Jackson/Collin are playing, talking, and laughing and all of a sudden they are standing face to face (much too close) and Jackson starts to make his move. He actually went in for a kiss!!

I'm happy to report that Sophie/Erin had the good sense to put up her hand and push him away. That-a-girl, Erin! Chase the boys, make them interested and push them away. Keep up the good work, especially about 10-17 years from now.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Talking about an upcoming pediatrician visit

The other night Nancy was telling Erin about her upcomming check-up.

Erin: "Why do I have to go to the doctor? Am I sick?"

Nancy: "No. Sometimes you go to the doctor when you are not sick, just to check that everything is ok."

Erin: "I don't want to go to the doctor."

Nancy: "You know, if you are a good girl the doctor might give you a lollipop."

Erin: "If I'm a really REALLY good girl can the doctor take the baby out of your belly?"

I find it especially heart warming to think that Erin considers getting a new baby brother or sister a higher reward than the promise of a lollipop. For a 3 year old, I think this is awfully cute.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Another Update from Camper Evie

We were pulling up to the school, but there was a car in front of me getting its act together to pull out. I could not pull to the front for a second.

Ev:"Mom, stop the car."

I stop the car.

Ev: "Mom, let me out."

She then looked up for her teachers hand, took it and walked away. I guess she likes camp. But, she could have said goodbye! I guess I can't ask for everything!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Update from Camper Evie...

Evie is doing much better with our drop-off at camp. She has not cried in a few days - just rubs her eyes for a few seconds and walks away holding her teachers hand. She really does have a lot of fun there. This week they have had a beach theme and made lots of art projects centering around fish, octopus and other cool beachy things. She is making friends - which is so cute to hear her talk about. She talks about Annie and Will - she has a boyfriend!

With Ev at camp for 2.5 hours every morning Erin and I are getting to do lots of fun things together. We went to the kids museum one day - ran in the sprinkler another day and she has spent time with her cousins. It is a lot of fun to hang with her all alone. But, that made me think of how I need to make quality 1-1 time with Ev. So, Friday morning we left for camp early and went to Dunkin Donuts where she had a chocolate donut with sprinkles for breakfast - she was thrilled! We'll have to continue to make time for 1-1 adventures.

It is too bad the weekend is here and we loose our continuity. I hope Monday goes well again!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Nighttime chatter

Last night here is what I hear at 3am.

Erin: Rainbow Dash, you need to go back to sleep. It is night-night time - not time to wake up. Here are your blankets. Now, go to sleep.

Dave: She sounds so mean.

pause 15 seconds...

Dave: She sounds like you.

I think a persons true colors shine in their sleep. And, for some reason Dave does not like me in his sleep.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My Girls Are Growing Up!

Today is Erin & Evie's 3rd birthday. It really is amazing at just how quickly time flies by. Feels like yesterday they were little babies - but forever ago that we did not have them in our lives. We are so lucky and blessed to have both of our healthy, funny, lovely kids. Really, there is nothing more we could ask for.

In light of their birthday I thought I'd post a few photos to walk down memory lane.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Evie Goes To Camp!

Today was Evie's first day at summer camp. First day in a new place with nobody she knows - not even Erin. I think that had to be pretty overwhelming for her. She has been very excited to go to camp - we talk about it a lot! She tried so hard to be strong and brave. But, once we dropped Erin at my moms so I could take Ev she got pretty quiet. Once we got there she was stuck to me like glue. While I was there she was being so strong and working so hard to hold back the tears. Once I got ready to leave she was just so sad - and that was so hard for me to see. I can only imagine how alone she felt - even though she was with new friends and nice teachers.

She was thrilled to get a nice green tee-shirt - she put it on the minute we got home. And, she had fun doing art projects and hearing stories. She's looking forward to going tomorrow and is going "to try not to cry." She told me she cried "a lot" today and she said she was crying for me to come back - which of course breaks my heart. But, I know in time she'll jump out of the car and not want to leave camp because it will be so much fun for her!

I just hope we get there quickly!

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Farmer's Market is Back

Last week our local farmer's market opened up for the summer season. Nancy had something to do so I took the little chicks to see all the action at the market. We were all ready to gobble up some freshly popped Lion's Club popcorn and if we were really lucky maybe even take in a song or two from a folk trio of Olde Town School of Folk Music students.

Well the weather was quite chilly. There were no fiddle, guitar, or banjo players in sight and to top it off the Lion's popcorn maker was broken. They said it would be another week before repairs could make it ready after the long winter season in storage.

So we tried to make the best of it by walking around a bit and looking at the fruits, flowers, jellies, jams, baked goods, homemade soaps and salsa concoctions available.

I recalled last year that the girls had some strange hard-core affinity for scones from the farmer's market so we went out looking for one to have a snack. Ev ran ahead to a booth that caught her eye. Before I could catch up to her, she had reached up and grabbed a cookie and took a big bite out of it.

I immediately reached for my wallet to pay for the cookie that Ev basically stole and I noticed that the price was only $0.75 which seemed way to reasonably priced for such a thing at a farmer's market. It was at this time that Ev spit out her mouthful of stolen goodness and reached up to put the cookie back on the table. It was only when I told her that she couldn't just put the cookie back did I notice one small detail of the booth we were at. Ev had copped and eaten a dog cookie. The entire booth was stocked full of home made dog treats that looked like regular baked goods!

There were dog treats that looked like crescents, cookies, there were even muffins complete with muffin paper. What kind of a dog needs their treats to look like muffins???

Anyway, Ev was not a fan of the dog biscuit (which I guess speaks to her taste in baked goods). And I told her that she should not reach up on tables grabbing and eating anything she can get her hands on. And that is really a lesson for all of us. Be careful of what you eat at a farmer's market when the Lion's popcorn machine is down. Your scone or biscotti might actually be a dog treat.

More Morning Chatter...

Evie - "Sissy, stop bothering me."

Erin - "I can bother you. I am your sister."

Where they learned that I can't imagine! But, I thought it was hilarious!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hello? It's Erin. I'm awake!

So we have this really nifty baby monitor that captures video as well as audio. We like to connect the monitor to our TV and watch the girls play and talk and eventually fall asleep. Our intention was to keep the monitor secret well into their teen-age years and keep a close eye on them (we fully expect Ev to pull out the rope ladder from under her bead and climb out the window).

Well our plans have been spoiled. Erin has fully grasped the concept of the monitor and has started using it to her advantage. On Sunday morning we were awoken to the following,

"Mommy, Daddy, Hello? Can you hear me? It's Erin. I'm awake."

No shouting, no whining, just a civil conversational tone. She knows that we are listening and now she expects us to come running. Yet another parental planning backfire!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What's been going on....

Seems like things have been pretty quiet here lately - hence not many posts.

The girls are doing well. We've been dealing with some teething for Ev. She is just now getting her 2 yr molars and she does not teethe well!! She gets a temp and feels completely yucky. And, unfortunately we have to pay the price by being up with her at night and it is taking its toll on us! Other than teething, she is doing well and having a lot of fun.

Erin is doing great. She is as tall as ever and continues to grow like a weed! She talks a mile a minute and never runs out of gas! But, the conversations you can have with her are so much fun. She's got quite the imagination.

I just wish the weather would really turn and we could do more outside. It is already June and there is still such a chill in the air.

We had a fun outing over the weekend where we helped our cousin move. Thankfully they only moved a few blocks down the street from their old place. But, the girls had a blast helping. They got to eat lots of donut holes and all of the craziness was a great stimulant for them. They were real troopers all day long! They have 2 cats and a rabbit and Erin just loved them. Ev was hesitant at first, but warmed up (on her terms) and enjoyed looking at them and I think even petted them a bit. Evie is not the animal lover that Erin is!

Monday, June 1, 2009

I can't be trusted...

I can't be trusted to do the grocery shopping. Why?? Well, I can't be trusted not to put strange and unnecessary items into the cart. Recently, my whims have included Chili Cheese Fritos, Nutella, Ice Cream and Pickles. With the exception of pickles, I don't ever buy any of the other impulse items I listed. I don't think I had ever even tasted chili cheese Fritos or Nutella prior to these purchases. And, I really only buy pickles if we are having burgers or a BBQ.

What can all this mean? Yep. I am 16 weeks pregnant...

Frequently Asked Questions...
Are you having twins? No.
Are you sure? Yes - we had an ultrasounds and there is only one.
Really? YES.
When are you due? November 15th
Will we find out the gender? No - we'll wait until s/he arrives.
Have you told the girls? No - 6 more months is a loooong time!
Are you feeling sick? Not now. I had a 2-3 week stint where I did not feel well and could not eat any warm or cooked food. That was strange! But, I am good to go now.
Are you tired? Of course! I already have nearly 3yr old twins!

Monday, May 25, 2009

A Loooong Weekend

Dave had a 4 day weekend and we took full advantage of it!

On Friday we took a bike ride to the Wagner Farm and the girls had a blast looking at the cows and playing in the museum. It does not take much to keep them happy! We ended the day with a yummy Mexican dinner a LaLo's. Erin loves their chicken soup - it is so cute to watch her eat it - she loves it!!

Saturday was a great trip to the zoo! Our first visit for the year. I got a pass, so I think we'll be there quite a bit! It was really fun to see Evie's reaction to the monkeys. She went nuts when she saw them - nearly jumped out of the stroller.

Sunday we went to church and then met up with some friends and their kids at Lake Arlington. The kids had fun at the jungle gym, but really liked playing on the beach! Too bad we did not bring a change of clothes and they could have gone hog wild in the water!

We love 4 day weekends!!

Dave took them to Kohl's on Monday, as I had to work. But, they had a lot of fun there. The place was pretty empty, so there was a lot of space to have fun and enjoy the activities.

Monday, May 11, 2009

A few stories...

After a long walk at Bally's I was trying to get the girls to leave - Ev wanted to stay and draw. I kept telling her we had to go home and have lunch!!! She would not budge and was crying that she wanted to stay. So, I told her I was leaving - one of my empty threats. That really got Erin. She started crying saying we can't leave Evie at Bally's. I just started laughing and picked Ev up and walked out...

The other day I was driving with the girls. We passed a cemetery. It was a pretty one where everyone seems to plant tulips all over and it was in full bloom. Erin looked out the window and commented on all the people dancing. I asked her where and she pointed to the cemetery - where I did not see one person! Ev said she also saw dancing. At least they were dancing!

Erin hurt her toe (or some other apendage) the other day. I kissed it and told her it would be okay. She kept crying and very dramatically said "yes, but it hurts now."

Ev is really enjoying the game hide and seek. The problem is that she is not really good at it! While being hidden she told Dave where she was hiding and was not covered by anything. She thinks it is so funny to have Dave search the house for her!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ev loves the swing!

Some things never change. Ev loves the swing - and Erin does not like them one bit!

Dave took the girls to the park about a week ago and Susan captured a wonderful photo of little Ev in her glory on the swings. She just looks as happy as possible.

Where was Erin? Who knows probably in the sand box or maybe climbing somewhere. But, she does not dare ride the swings!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I promise more blogs...

I Nancy Detlefsen solemnly swear to get back in the program and blog with greater frequency.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Girls get a hair cut

Today was a monumental day. After almost three full years, the girls got their very first hair cut. I'm not entirely sure where this came from since I've been wanted to get Evie a hair cut for over a year and Nancy would never hear of it. Suddenly today was the day and Nancy said... "This is it. Let's go get their hair cut".

After church we stopped by a place on the way home. They just opened up and there was nobody else in the entire place. I was a bit nervous that the girls would flip out. Would the think the scissors would hurt? Nope. They were champs.

Ev was first and she seemed to really enjoy all the attention. She got right up into the chair and liked watching herself in the mirror. In all Ev got about 6 inches cut off from the back. She got her hair blow dried and brushed under. I said it made her look like Shakespeare but Nancy disagrees. When Ev's hair settled down a bit it looked much cuter (in my humble opinion). I bet the lighter hair will feel really good for the summer.

Ev seemed to really know something was special. When it was Erin's turn she was so happy and running around in circles at the salon. Erin was also a champ. She sat very still and we made sure to make a big fuss about what a big girl they were both being. Erin got about 4 inches cut and with the length gone, we hope her curls will now be even tighter.

The first hair cut seems like one of those monumental growing up milestones. They were great and now suddenly look much older. I guess it won't be long before I'm walking them down the isle. "Where are you going, my little ones, little ones..."

Outch, I'm sore

Spring yard work is fun but boy it's easy to take on a project that is bigger that one thinks at the beginning.

Nancy and I attacked the ivy that has been growing on the south side of our house. It's been growing there for over 30 years and today it was time for it to go. We got all of the vines off the wall and managed to make some HUGE piles of the stuff on the yard.

Jim was helpful in winding some of the vines up with twine so the yard waste folks would take it away. We didn't get to the part of the job where we dig up the roots. That will have to wait for another weekend.

We bound up several big piles of vines, but we still had lots of little twigs and leaves too. Luckily, Nancy promised the girls we would go for a bike ride after dinner and get some ice cream. On our way to Dairy Queen we noticed that someone had put 4 empty plastic garbage cans out on the curb with a sign that said anyone could take them. What amazing timing!!

After ice cream I came back with the car and picked up the extra garbage cans and now had a way to clean up the rest of the yard. Erin wanted to help out cleaning up so she would grab a twig and throw it in our new bins. She loves to be a helper.

Good tough rewarding work. Good weather. Great weekend.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt!

I know it is late, but better late than never!

We took the girls on a great Easter Egg hunt. We are so lucky to live in a community that has fun little events like this for the kids. It was within walking distance from our home right at the big park down the street.

The field was marked off in age segments - we were in the 2-4 yr age range. There were eggs everywhere. I think the workers just tossed them out there - no hiding! No place to hide - just eggs everywhere. Every color egg you can imagine - red, pink, yellow, orange, blue, green, purple - you get the point, right?

Well, the horn blows and the kids are off on a mad dash for eggs. Seriously, it was over in less than 90 seconds. It was the fastest thing ever! I finally look down into Evie's basket and what do I see??? Pink eggs. Only pink eggs. The girl walked past every other egg and only took the pink ones. I would not have believed it if I did not see it! And, despite only taking pink eggs, she got more than Erin!!

Neither of the girls cared much for the Easter Bunny. Initially when they visited him they would not even say hello. After the hunt they must have been somewhat thankful and decided to go back. Ev kissed him and Erin shook his hand. Super cute!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Walk Walk Walk............

Well, I am back in the saddle. After a long hiatus due to a broken toe and cold, I hit the club today and walked my 5 miles. My toe was not perfect, but felt pretty good. But, it really just felt good to be walking again! I'll try for another 5 tomorrow.........

Fun at Chipotle

Nancy, the girls and I enjoy going out to Chipotle for lunch. Did you know you can order off the menu and get a quesadilla there? You can get just plain cheese or with some meat added. Nancy always gets a cheese quesadilla for the girls to split and they really enjoy that.

Ev devourers the guacamole. Interestingly enough, we have Ev in speech therapy but she can say quesadilla, guacamole, and chocolate clear as a bell. I guess you just need the proper motivation. Anyway...

Evelyn has started this strange ritual with the bag of chips we always get. After promptly emptying the bag of all chips, she turns the bag over wears it on her head. Currently it fits on her head perfectly.

"Look at my taco hat!" she yells loud enough for the entire place to hear.

Erin has her 'Chipotle moments' too. The other day at a lunch stop she tapped Nancy on the shoulder and said, "Mommy, this is a really nice restaurant". Let's try and keep those expectations in check I say. I'm glad it's so easy to impress her. Let's see how long that lasts. It was very cute and definitely worth capturing here.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Favorite Foods...

We are often asked if the girls are different. What are the differences? Who is more like Dave or me? Well, the only thing I can tell you for sure is that the girls are very different. Let's take the subject of food...

Some of Ev's favorite foods...
Salsa - and she likes it HOT!
Grapefruit juice - just learned this today
Seltzer Water - she calls it bubbly juice
Spicy Tomato Soup
Cheese Quesadillas
Pancakes with Strawberry Jam
Cream Cheese with Bagels (but she does not like generic bagels, only the good ones!)
Chicken Curry from Trader Joe's

Some of Erin's favorite foods...
BBQ sauce and Ketchup
Peas - and lots of them!
Hot Dogs and Chicken Nuggets
Chicken Soup - preferably made by GiGi - my mom

Somethings seem to be universally loved like goldfish and lemonade, but it is fun to see and celebrate their differences.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Another Walk Update

Well, I think I'll be back to walking tomorrow or Sunday. Probably not as fast and far as usual, but no longer limping like a nut!

I've raised $1,275 toward my walk which is great! If you've waited to donate, please help me out!! I can use all the help I can get. There is a link at the top of my blog.

I am looking forward to getting back in the swing of walking! And, the girls are asking to go to Bally's - all good things!

Ev's Update

Wednesday night I had dinner with my Dad after my mom had knee surgery. When I got home from dinner Ev was in bed with Dave. This is about as abnormal as it can get in our house. But, she was miserable - kept saying her ear hurt. We could not get her down to bed, so she slept with us - which was not a good nights sleep for anyone, but also not a big deal.

I took her to the doctor and she has a double ear infection! Yuck. My girls never get ear infections, so I don't know where this came from. Thankfully I was able to get her prescription in a chewable and she takes it like candy. Liquid medicine is torture!!!

She's feeling better already and I could not be happier!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Funny Erin Stories...

We went to a party at my brothers house for my nephews birthday. I took Erin to the bathroom to do her business. She looked at the potty and then me and then the potty. She said to me "Mom, that's a NICE potty!" Apparently my brother has a nicer toilet than me - and apparently Erin notices these kinds of things!

When the girls do use the potty and go #1 they get 1 M&M. #2 gives 2 M&Ms - nice system. Well, they hang out at my friend Jen's a few weeks ago while Dave and I went to a party for St. Patty's Day. Jen is far more generous than me. She gives 5 M&Ms if they go #1. The girls far prefer Jen's system. The day after we got home Erin made a nice little deposit and proceeded to tell me she'd like 5 M&Ms. I said that we get one. She said, "but, I really want 5." Well, don't we all!

As I am typing this blog I am listening to Erin chat over the monitor - Ev is still sleeping. Erin just yelled at a garbage truck - telling it Sissy is sleeping and it needs to be quieter. Never mind Erin screaming maybe waking Ev - it would have been the truck's fault. Then I heard her say to herself "Oh boy. I am wearing underpants. I know what that means." Good!

Walking Update....

Well, no walks for about a week. Why did I fall off the bandwagon? Well, I broke (or at least really smashed) my middle toe. I opened the fridge and a glass jar of jelly fell smack on my toe. It was shades of purple and black. It is now feeling pretty good. I should be able to resume my walks this weekend - yeah! What a dumb way to hurt yourself - I did not realize opening the fridge could cause bodily harm..........

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Donations are Rolling In!!!

Yesterday I sent out over 100 e-mails asking for donations to my Breast Cancer Walk. I have been so thankful for the great response I have received. To date, I have raised $790. I still have a long way to go, but am off to a great start!! If you enjoy my blog and want to support me, please do so on the link on this site - at the top right.

Super Yummy Corned Beef...

This year I made my corned beef in the crock pot and it turned out great!!!

3 carrots, cut into 1 inch pieces
3-4 lbs corned beef brisket
2-3 onions, cut into quarters
10 small red potatoes, halved, 6 medium quartered, 4 large cut into six pieces
1 small head of cabbage, cut into wedges keeping the core on each wedge so they stay in wedges
1/2-2 teaspoon mustard powder
1/2-2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 sprig thyme
1 teaspoon sugar
12 ounces Guinness stout
1 cup water
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper

Place carrots into bottom of crock pot.

Add corned beef brisket & onions.

Mix together beer, water, sugar, dry mustard, garlic powder, sprig of thyme, salt and pepper.

Pour into crock pot.

Cover & cook on low heat for 8 hours.

If carrots and onions are tender you can remove them, placing them in a covered dish. Add cabbage wedges and potatoes to crock pot & push down into liquid.

Turn crock pot on high & cook 2 more hours adding back the veggies if removed just to warm.

I've fallen in love... with my bread machine!

When Dave and I got married I registered for a bread machine. And, like every other woman that gets a bread machine - it stayed packed away for years. A few weeks ago I was sick of paying a lot for bread filled with corn syrup, so I took it out and made a loaf - and it was great! So, I am now experimenting with all kids of bread recipes.

I especially love recipes without eggs or milk, as you can use the timer and have the loaf just in time for breakfast! What a treat!

I made this loaf for the President Obama inauguration party I went to - it was excellent!!

Hawaiian Bread

3/4 cup pineapple juice
1 egg
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 1/2 tablespoons honey
3/4 teaspoon salt
3 cups bread flour
2 tablespoons milk
2 teaspoons fast or quick rising yeast

Place ingredients in bread machine container in order directed by manufacturer.
Cycle: white, sweet, no timer.
Setting: light.

Monday, March 9, 2009

One for the books...

Dave here.

The other evening Nancy was preparing for the Twin's Club resale. She took the girls to the resale and I came by after work and brought them home while she stayed to help out more.

On the drive home Evelyn, Erin and I had a quite a nice little conversation. It's so neat being able to have multi-sentence discussions with them now. While were were on our way home Erin told me some "good news". Apparently she has a baby in her tummy. I'm guessing this is from talking about Kayte's baby that is in her tummy.

Once informed about this news I asked Erin, "What is your baby's name?"

"Uhm... baby Jesus," she told me.
I guess a dad can't really get mad at that.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

One step at a time...

One step at a time my miles are adding up! And walking 5 miles is a breeze. Pretty soon I'll up my walks a bit beyond 5. The trick is I can't really increase them too much when I have the girls with me - they can't spend too much time at Bally's with me. So I think I'll switch some of my workouts to the evening when I can have more time to rack up the miles.

Miles Walked: 50
Cross Training Time: 60
Blisters: 4
Pounds Lost: 5
Donations to Date: $45

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So busy!

I have been so busy lately I have not had time to think - nevermind blog. I am the co-chair for my twins clubs resale - and this weekend is the last one I have any responsibility for! It is not that much work - just a bunch of last minute details. And since I am also selling stuff I am just swamped. Oh and don't forget I am walking like a crazy person!

But, the girls have been up to a lot lately.

They both caught a 24 hour bug last week. Ev had it worse than Erin. She woke on Friday and had her milk - only to vomit it all up about an hour later. I gave them both a very small breakfast of only crackers and really mild food and took Ev to the doctor. When I told the girls we were going to the doctor Erin asked if we were going to Dr. Baker (that's Curious George's doctor). This is a new office since we switched practices due to a move and new insurance. Of course my first encounter there left lots of memories. As we were waiting for a room to open Ev vomited all over me (I mean all over me!) and the office. So, we quickly then got a room and were able to settle down in there. After a while Erin walked over to me and told me my pants were very dirty - and smelly. Yep, they were. Erin did not want to make herself comfortable at the doctor - would not take off her jacket or sit down - she wanted to get the heck out of there! But, she did enjoy her lollipop. Dr said she just had a bug - sure enough the next day she was back to her old self!

At their babysitters they are working on letters. Today we are on C. They brought in lots of C items - cats, a camel, a cupcake and some other cute things.

Erin is not very big on naps lately. She'll stay in her room about an hour and then I usually let her out. She helps me prepare dinner. Yesterday we made salad dressing and lemonade and she thought that was a lot of fun!

And - not that I am potty training... But, the girls are doing pretty well using the potty and they enjoy their underpants. My biggest problem is not having time to really focus on this - especially with the walking. But, they are both doing great.

Tomorrow is supposed to be 60!!! I can't wait to get them outside to play! We might even try out a walk in the nice warm outdoors!! That'll feel like a heatwave................

Monday, March 2, 2009

30 and counting.......

Well, I am still walking! That's the good news. One step at a time. The bad news is that Ev got a bad stomach bug - probably from Bally's! But, she is fine and I am back in the routine. Last week I managed to get there for 15 miles of walking and 60 minutes of various cardio. I was pretty pleased with that! And, this week is off to a good start with 5 miles this morning.

Miles Walked: 30
Cross Training Time: 60
Blisters: 4
Pounds Lost: 3

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Play Date at Kate's

Tonight Dave and I had a dinner out with friends that are involved in the Marriage Ministry work we do. Since my parents are out of town we did not have a babysitter! We dropped our kids off at our friends house for a play date.

Sean & Jen have a little girl the same age as our girls and a baby that's about 7 months old.

Jen was on call - and of course about 20 minutes after we left she got called into work. That left Sean and the 4 kids under 3! Yikes!!

They all had so much fun!! The girls just had a blast with their friends. They pained little wooden cars - preparing for the Pine Wood Derby. They'll be talking about this for a long time!!! Ev had a blast jumping on their bed!! And, Erin was in love with all the babydolls!

We are so lucky to have such good friends!

My first donation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got my first donation today ... from a complete stranger!!!

Dave and I were at dinner with 4 friends. I mentioned to my friends that I am doing the walk and started talking about it. A woman came by our table and handed me a check for $20! She said she overheard I am doing the walk and since she had done it a few years ago, she wanted to be a donor for me. I was shocked! She made my night!

What a reminder that kindness and generosity is everywhere.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Left, Right, Left...

Well, training has begun - and I am already sore!

I walked 5 miles on Tuesday and went to the gym today for another 5 mile walk. I have also mapped out 5 mile routes by the house.

Thankfully, the girls love going to Bally's, so it is not difficult to train. On my first walk I was interrupted to change the girls diapers. But, that's not too bad!

If only mother nature would comply and warm things up I could train outdoors!

Since I am a believer in cross training, not all of my training will be walks, but will include biking and elliptical. I really like the elliptical - and biking outdoors.

I am going to keep a ticker of how many miles/minutes I walk (and cross train) as well as other info you might chuckle at - like my blister count - I've already had 1!!

Miles Walked: 10
Time Walked: 2 hours, 40 minutes
Cross Training Time: 0
Blisters: 1

Thursday, February 19, 2009

We're Home!

Well, we're home! We've been home for about a week and it is so nice to be back home. It is always nice to be back home. Nothing beats sleeping in your own bed.

Let me tell you about our delightful flights home!

We had 2 flights. Fort Myers to Atlanta was fabulous - absolutely great! The layover was just fine - we grabbed dinner and stretched our legs. We were off to such a great start!!!

Then - I entered the 5th dimension of hell.

While boarding our flight from Atlanta to Chicago I was walking down 1st class and nearly fell over. Our original flight had changed and we were now in an airplane with only 2 seats on each side of the aisle. I started to get nervous.

The girls jumped in the seats next to each other and started off just fine. The flight attendants came by (the supposedly full flight) and told me the kids could not sit alone, but we would need to switch so I was with one and one took the seat I was in - next to a 30ish man. He piped in that he did not want to sit with "one of those." Okay - so the attendant told me we must sit in the order we were ticketed - which was the girls in A and B and me across the aisle in C. I figured this would be okay because once we got in the air I could move and it would all work out.

Now the girls are very comfy and have figured out just how much fun an airplane ride can be - they figured out how to raise and lower the tray - and the armrest. They were grabbing each others noses and doing everything else possible to have a blast! And, they were getting loud and it was making me crazy! I would tell them "do not touch that!" Erin would mimic back (while touching it) "do not touch that!"

Okay - we're just about to take off, right? Not so fast. We still had to sit on the tarmac for 80 minutes, as the winds were too strong. And, I was not allowed to get out of my seat to switch with one of them or have them on my lap or anything. I just sat about 4 feet away from them (and they knew I was not able to do a darn thing). They had fun doing everything I was trying to tell them not to do - and I was at a totally loss. They were not fussing or crying - just not being good little travelers that sit quietly and don't touch anything - hey, they're not even 3 yet. I bribed them with everyhting I had. They ate a sleeve of Fig Newtons and that didn't seem to make them happy - or calm. I can't imagine why all that sugar didn't help calm them....

Finally, we took off - and the rest of the flight went smoothly. I moved over and they took turns in my lap. Ev also joined the man that did not want to be near her. She sat like an angel. He did not seem happy.

We got home and they were estatic to see Daddy!! They were so happy.

Monday, February 9, 2009

A few stories...

- Erin and Ev were playing while I was working on my computer - we were all in the same room. They were playing with a suitcase - seemed pretty harmless. They were having a blast - hooting and hollering. Then, they ran over to me and one sniff told me what they were up to. Swagger. They got into Dave's deodorant and painted it all over their arms and legs - and they stank!

- Their new favorite game is hide and seek. My mom started playing it with them and it is all they want to do - hide Mr. Monkey. They are not very good at covering their eyes during the hide part! I took a video of this and will post when I get home and have a stronger connection.

-Yesterday Ev skinned her toe on the concrete patio. She was okay with it at the time. It was a little bloody, so we put on a bandage. Once that was on she was no longer able to walk normally, but had to put her weight only on that foots heel. She could not walk unless wearing her purple crocks. Of course, she could run when she got to push the elevator button or it was time for dinner. And, a couple of times she was limping on the wrong foot. But, she was really milking her injury!

- Evie also had a major face plant accident at the beach. She was running toward the water to rinse her hands and tripped on her knees then the force crashed her right on her forehead. She has a nice purple egg on her head.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Oh Boy...

Oh Boy... I've made a decision and not yet said it out loud! That's right - I haven't told anyone - just made a commitment to myself and completed an on-line registration for the 3 Day Walk to Fight Breast Cancer. This walk is about 60 miles and takes place in early August - you'll hear plenty about it in the upcoming months.

I did The Avon Breast Cancer walk several years ago - I think it was 2001. I did it by myself and did the entire thing. I walked every stinkin step. It was probably the hardest thing I've ever done. Walking on my own made me totally and completely accountable for the walk. Sometimes I wonder if I had a partner if it would have made it easier to jump on the bus and stop walking.

So, please keep me on track - inspire me - motivate me - kick me in the butt - be my friend. And, if you want to get in shape (like me) think about walking. It'd be nice to have a partner to walk with. But, trust me - if you're my partner ... you're walking the entire walk!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Just One More Day...

until the weather gets nice again!! The last few days have been chilly. But, tomorrow the skies open and we hit the 70s again - can't come soon enough.

We did manage to hit the hot tub yesterday and the girls had a lot of fun splashing in there. Today, we are off to a nature conservancy which will be fun. They are very excited to see the animals. I am sure we'll have some good photos to share with you all. We might also have time for a quick dip in the hot tub - we'll see.

Both girls miss Dave. Erin seems to miss him a bit more than Ev. She was asking him to come home last night - I think she forgot this is not home. She was happy that he sees Buddy (the dog). She also asks about Buddy a lot.

Well, we're off!! Hope you have a good day!! Any special plans???

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Pinkie Pie gets a bath...

Many of you have seen Pinkie Pie. She is Evie's baby - the love of her life. And, she is nasty! We think she has hepatitis A. She is really just the grossest thing ever. Although you can see how icky she has gotten, I'll leave her precious smell up to your imagination. Despite her being completely smelly and nasty, Ev loves her. After 6 months, she needs a bath. I fear giving her a bath because she might not be able to sing anymore. But, the germ factor has gotten too strong. So, I am taking a risk, and she is going in the wash.

When I asked Ev this morning if the pony should have a bath Ev said "no". I pressed the issue and she held her stance. But, as I ran the washing machine, she was finally okay tossing her in. Erin threw in Rainbow Dash and I tossed in their monkies.

Survey says...
Well, she is looking pinkalicious!! She is smelling like Tide and Bounce - and I'd even be fine giving her a kiss - if Ev would let me. Ev seems quite pleased with the new and improved Pinkie Pie - and won't let my mom touch her.

She is not 100% dry - but mainly dry. We have not yet heard her sing - she might be quite for a while - a long while. But, pretty as a My Little Pony can be.

Note: No photos of Rainbow Dash are provided because she (or he - depending on the day) was not nearly as dirty as Pinkie Pie.

Day One Without Daddy...

Day One without daddy went pretty well. We started out the morning the same as every other morning - with breakfast! The girls can put back a lot of cereal and raisins!!!

Then, off to visit my friend Eileen from college - and her husband Brian and daughter Josie. We rarely get to see them, so it was a very special treat. The girls just loved playing with Josie's toys and tearing apart their condo. They had a blast and keep talking about going back to Josie's house.

Since the girls did not nap at Josie's place they were off to sleep on the early end. We had a tough time getting a hold of Dave to sing to them before bed, so we called Grandma and she was the pinch hitter - did a very good job! She does a good job singing Teapot and Itsy Bitsy Spider. Thankfully, we did manage to also hear from Dave. Erin had a really good conversation with him over the phone - better than any in the past. It was really cute to listen to. She is definitely missing Daddy. We all do!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Daddy's Out of Here...

Well, the day has come to say goodbye to Dave. He flew home this afternoon to return back to work. I am still in FL with the girls another week and a half.

Erin & Evelyn handled Dave leaving pretty darn well. I think the trip to the park, chicken nuggets and apple slices helped ease the pain of losing daddy. But, all in all we did not have too much whining or moaning about where is daddy.

We'll see what tomorrow brings. But, we have a play date with a friend of mine from Xavier who is in the area visiting her parents, so that will be a lot of fun - and a nice distraction.

Good night for now!!!

Dave - we miss you already!!!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Photos from Vacation...

Click on the photo below to see some pics...

Marco - 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 things...

If you are a friend of mine through facebook or part of my "hens" playgroup then this is nothing new. But, some of you are not part of those communities. And, I spent a long time putting together this list of 25 things. So, I thought I'd share them with my blog friends...

1. As I type this I am in Marco Island, Florida - the weather is beautifully warm with a nice breeze and I would not rather be anywhere else. My family has been coming here since I was 8. With my parents, brothers, sisters-in-law and their kids there are 17 of us.

2. I think my kids just get more and more fun. It is hard to imagine that this can continue. They make me laugh all the time - and are just so sweet to each other - when they are not driving each other nuts. Seriously, can it get better than 2.5 yrs old??

3. I really enjoy spending time with family and friends. Therefore, we entertain often. I think this has rubbed off on the kids. They are constantly having their dolls have parties - which I think is hilarious.

4. I enjoy long car trips with Dave. I can just drive and drive. And, we just talk and talk………

5. Some of my favorite summer family activities are: riding bikes, going to the pool, having picnics and going to concerts.

6. I forgive very easily, forget quickly and never hold grudges.

7. I gave up drinking pop over a year ago. I was a big diet coke drinker, but don't touch it anymore.

8. I really enjoy cooking. Lately, I have spent a lot of time using my crock pot, bread maker and pressure cooker.

9. Speaking of my pressure cooker... I have wild dreams of canning food. I want to make sauces, preserves and all sorts of other canned goodies.

10. I enjoy living in Chicago, but really HATE the winter months. Fall is great - as are spring and summer. Winter is simply intolerable.

11. I've never been a smoker.

12. I love having twins. If I ever get pregnant again I will both secretly hope it is twins and dread the possibility of it being twins. Although they are a lot of work, I could not imagine my child not having their little built-in best friend. But, the thought of twin boys is very scary to me.

13. When my husband proposed to me my first words were "are you drunk?" He was... but he had a ring, so it all worked out.

14. Having children has given me many blessings - the good friends I have found as a result of the kids is one of the biggest blessing of them all.

15. I feel very lucky to stay at home with my kids. Real Estate is a great career that allows me to be with the girls and work with a flexible schedule.

16. I freecycle something every day - and I love it!! I also love the blog I keep for it. It takes up a lot of time, but is something I really enjoy.

17. As I get older, I get greener. I don’t use paper towels and do use reusable grocery bags and cloth diapers. But, I’ve got a long way to go. I’d like to compost, but am afraid it will be gross.

18. When I was a little girl my brothers had me hold the dart board so they could play darts - steel tip darts. My dad saw what was going on and was not happy - the game ended very quickly.

19. Curious George has always been my favorite character/stuffed animal. I never had a babydoll that I loved. Erin has taken to a George I was given in high school an Ev sleeps with one Dave gave me.

20. I have so much gray hair - if I don't color it I'd probably look 10 years older.

21. Neither my husband nor I drink alcohol often. If I do want a drink my cocktail of choice is a gin and tonic with lime.

22. I left a good job about 4 years ago and fear that I'll never have another position like it. Being a stay at home mom has robbed me from all my professional confidence.

23. At my wedding there was a Curious George monkey in the Christmas manger - my husband showed me when we were up at the alter.

24. I've had 5 dogs in my life - Doc, Sluggo, Marco, Harley and Buddy. Harley was my favorite and I am still sad she is gone. Also funny that Doc, Sluggo, Marco and Harley were all females.

25. I wrote way too much about myself. Sorry!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Florida 2009 Update

My time at Marco Island is half way over but Nancy and the girls still have a while to go. We have had fabulous weather and 4 consecutive beautiful sunsets. All of the cousins have enjoyed playing with each other every minute they can.

Erin and Evelyn have been waking up every morning and the first thing they mention is either playing with their cousins or going to the beach.

Erin likes going down to the beach and making "sand soup" which is just sand and water in a bucket. But she makes sure to make a lot of beeping noises as it "cooks" in an invisible microwave. Nancy might want to cut down on TV dinners as Erin thinks this is the only way to cook.

Other memorable things:
-Nancy told Erin that an outfit she had on made her look very pretty. When Nancy told her to show me how pretty she was, Erin told her "no, I don't need to. I'm pretty". We're glad she's developing a healthy self-image.

-Evie woke up in the middle of the night and because of the way the beds are set up in the room she could not see Erin. Ev started to shout out "Where Yaya?" When I went into the room to calm her down, I just needed to pick Ev up and show her that Erin was in the bed next to her and she went right back to sleep.

-We went to the 25th Annual Buzzard Festival. Lots of crazy people doing the Buzzard-lope which is a dance we can't quite explain. Lots of drunk people and even a boat of women who flashed the crowd.

-The girls really enjoy the hot tub and pretty much refuse to go into the regular pool, although Ev has taken to jumping into my arms from the side of the pool. Erin pretty much panics at the thought of going more than ankle deep in the "big pool".

-Ev started to call Erin by her name instead of "ya-ya" or "sissy". It sound more like Onion than Erin but it's a start.

-Potty training (although Nancy denies we are potty training) is going well. Erin will do anything for an M&M and we are trying to use this to our advantage. She thinks she gets an M&M for tooting, but we draw the line there. Something of substance has to come out or else we'll just be re-enforcing a behavior we'd rather not smell.

More later...

Where were you?

Where were you when the Challenger blew up?
I was in Marco Island, FL and a maintenance man told my family.

When the 9/11 attacks happened?

I was in Boston - just about to fly home - this could be a whole post on its own.

When Barack Obama was elected president?
I was at his Rally in Grant Park with my husband. He'd been "my" candidate since the beginning, so I could not have been happier.

When Barack Obama was sworn in as president?
I was at a play date at my friend, Christen's house. She had the best idea - celebrate this victory with friends and kids. We enjoyed champagne at 11am and had a wonderful lunch of Bush's baked beans, Hawaiian bread, red/white/blue jello, freedom fries... you get the point. It was just so wonderful to celebrate this event with friends next to me and my wonderful girls. Erin and Evelyn won't remember where they were - but I'll have memories to share with them.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

We're in Florida...

Yippie!! Yesterday we arrived in Florida. Marco Island to be exact. My parents have a timeshare that we have used since I was about 6 years old. So, we know most of the people and it is our "home away from home". My brothers and their kids and my parents are also here - so, it is a loud crazy group - 17 people.

Our flights went surprisingly well. Erin - who did not like take-offs and landings on our last trip was a real champ and did just great! She slept (and drooled) on my arm the entire 2nd leg of the trip. That's right, second leg. We had a layover in Atlanta. That actually made things pretty easy - 2 short flights and stretching legs in the middle.

Unfortunately, the airline broke our double stroller. One more reason to never ever gate check your good stroller! Thankfully, we don't use it much - but its days are severely numbered now. It is also unfortunate that Delta does not compensate for damaged items - unless they are packaged in their original box. What's the point in that??? Whatever.

A lesson learned... Don't buy give your child a brand new pair of shoes that light up on the day of travel. That will only make them want to kick the chair in front of them the entire flight - so they can see the lights! I am an idiot - and Ev loves her new shoes.

Erin & Evelyn just love it here! We've already gone swimming a bunch of times and they just hang on the steps and do their own thing. When they wake from their naps we're going to head to the beach. We'll start taking photos soon.

They love playing with their cousins! First thing this morning when they woke was a request to see their cousins. We told them they were still sleeping - so they wanted to wake up their cousins.

Their little knees are already all scuffed up with bumps and bruises from falling on all the stone out here. But, very few tears. Who has time to cry when there are so many fun things to do?

On our way to lunch Erin stubbed her toe. I told her I'd kiss it to make it better and she asked me to hold off and kiss it after lunch. God forbid my kiss interrupts her hot dog time.

Tonight we're going to a "party" at my brother Dan's "house". Should be fun!!