Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Where were you?

Where were you when the Challenger blew up?
I was in Marco Island, FL and a maintenance man told my family.

When the 9/11 attacks happened?

I was in Boston - just about to fly home - this could be a whole post on its own.

When Barack Obama was elected president?
I was at his Rally in Grant Park with my husband. He'd been "my" candidate since the beginning, so I could not have been happier.

When Barack Obama was sworn in as president?
I was at a play date at my friend, Christen's house. She had the best idea - celebrate this victory with friends and kids. We enjoyed champagne at 11am and had a wonderful lunch of Bush's baked beans, Hawaiian bread, red/white/blue jello, freedom fries... you get the point. It was just so wonderful to celebrate this event with friends next to me and my wonderful girls. Erin and Evelyn won't remember where they were - but I'll have memories to share with them.

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