Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Holidays are Over...

Well, 2008 is over and we are one day into '09. I wanted to share some fond memories form this holiday season...

- Hearing the girls sing Happy Birthday to Baby Jesus on Christmas Day.

- Having Dave home for 2 weeks straight! It was so nice to have so much family time.

- Hosting a cookie party for the kiddies to decorate cookies and enjoy each others company!

- Spending time with out of town friends that visited.

- Watching the girls act as little elfs on Christmas morning passing gifts to the family - they started off great, simply handing everyone their gift. After a while, they opened just about everything they saw!

- Attending Christmas mass with Dave.

- Enjoying an evening of friendship and dinner at Heather's house - and the raspberry dessert was so yummy!!!

- Making a few 2009 resolutions I can keep. I will have the girls each bring a canned food item to church every week and will be freecycling me heart out! We are just so fortunate and have so much to share with others.

- Finding out Dave's cousin (Kayte) and her husband (Chris) are expecting!

- Spending a great evening with my family during our family dinner at my brothers home. The girls love their cousins so much and have a blast in their home!

- Celebrating another wedding anniversary with Dave - we had a great dinner out and saw a movie together - and just hung out!

- Enjoying a wonderful brunch with Dave's Aunt. She made family recipes and completely spoiled the girls - it was a great celebration!

- Seeing an old High school/College friend for lunch - we never see each other!

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