Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 things...

If you are a friend of mine through facebook or part of my "hens" playgroup then this is nothing new. But, some of you are not part of those communities. And, I spent a long time putting together this list of 25 things. So, I thought I'd share them with my blog friends...

1. As I type this I am in Marco Island, Florida - the weather is beautifully warm with a nice breeze and I would not rather be anywhere else. My family has been coming here since I was 8. With my parents, brothers, sisters-in-law and their kids there are 17 of us.

2. I think my kids just get more and more fun. It is hard to imagine that this can continue. They make me laugh all the time - and are just so sweet to each other - when they are not driving each other nuts. Seriously, can it get better than 2.5 yrs old??

3. I really enjoy spending time with family and friends. Therefore, we entertain often. I think this has rubbed off on the kids. They are constantly having their dolls have parties - which I think is hilarious.

4. I enjoy long car trips with Dave. I can just drive and drive. And, we just talk and talk………

5. Some of my favorite summer family activities are: riding bikes, going to the pool, having picnics and going to concerts.

6. I forgive very easily, forget quickly and never hold grudges.

7. I gave up drinking pop over a year ago. I was a big diet coke drinker, but don't touch it anymore.

8. I really enjoy cooking. Lately, I have spent a lot of time using my crock pot, bread maker and pressure cooker.

9. Speaking of my pressure cooker... I have wild dreams of canning food. I want to make sauces, preserves and all sorts of other canned goodies.

10. I enjoy living in Chicago, but really HATE the winter months. Fall is great - as are spring and summer. Winter is simply intolerable.

11. I've never been a smoker.

12. I love having twins. If I ever get pregnant again I will both secretly hope it is twins and dread the possibility of it being twins. Although they are a lot of work, I could not imagine my child not having their little built-in best friend. But, the thought of twin boys is very scary to me.

13. When my husband proposed to me my first words were "are you drunk?" He was... but he had a ring, so it all worked out.

14. Having children has given me many blessings - the good friends I have found as a result of the kids is one of the biggest blessing of them all.

15. I feel very lucky to stay at home with my kids. Real Estate is a great career that allows me to be with the girls and work with a flexible schedule.

16. I freecycle something every day - and I love it!! I also love the blog I keep for it. It takes up a lot of time, but is something I really enjoy.

17. As I get older, I get greener. I don’t use paper towels and do use reusable grocery bags and cloth diapers. But, I’ve got a long way to go. I’d like to compost, but am afraid it will be gross.

18. When I was a little girl my brothers had me hold the dart board so they could play darts - steel tip darts. My dad saw what was going on and was not happy - the game ended very quickly.

19. Curious George has always been my favorite character/stuffed animal. I never had a babydoll that I loved. Erin has taken to a George I was given in high school an Ev sleeps with one Dave gave me.

20. I have so much gray hair - if I don't color it I'd probably look 10 years older.

21. Neither my husband nor I drink alcohol often. If I do want a drink my cocktail of choice is a gin and tonic with lime.

22. I left a good job about 4 years ago and fear that I'll never have another position like it. Being a stay at home mom has robbed me from all my professional confidence.

23. At my wedding there was a Curious George monkey in the Christmas manger - my husband showed me when we were up at the alter.

24. I've had 5 dogs in my life - Doc, Sluggo, Marco, Harley and Buddy. Harley was my favorite and I am still sad she is gone. Also funny that Doc, Sluggo, Marco and Harley were all females.

25. I wrote way too much about myself. Sorry!

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