Saturday, July 11, 2009

Flirting at the park

Over the weekend, the whole family went over to our local park for a small summer party. Anne and the kids were in from Arizona, so the entire Doherty clan came by. We played catch, ladder ball, ate pizza and played on the park equipment.

I was pushing Ev on the swings (which is a full blown commitment since she will stay in those darn swings for 45 minutes straight). Meanwhile, Erin was off doing her own thing. She has taken a liking to laying on the big kid swings on her belly and running back and forth.

After a while I walk over to the other side of the part to check on Erin and she is gabbing away with this other boy and his dad who were also at the swings. I was very shocked because Erin is not one to talk to strangers. But she really liked this other little boy.

A few minutes later, Erin and this boy were laughing and chasing each other like crazy. She was running around squealing with delight. Then the boy started hiding from Erin. She would run all over the park yelling "Jackson!!!, Jackson! Where are you? Daddy, where's Jackson?" I'd point to a tree or something else he was behind and she would run to get him.

I later found out from the dad that Jackson was 4 1/2 (really, Erin, you are almost half his age!). I also found out that the his name was not Jackson, but Collin. I have no idea where Erin got Jackson from, but strangely enough, he had taken to calling Erin Sophie. So in about 15 minutes these two already have pet names for each other.

No matter where Jackson/Collin would go, Sophie/Erin was like his little shadow. But she was far from being a pest. When I took Erin to the washroom, Jackson/Collin was apparently very concerned that she may have gone home. I guess he liked all the attention he was getting.

Now comes the "holy cow" part. I walking around the park equipment with Sophie/Erin as she and Jackson/Collin are playing, talking, and laughing and all of a sudden they are standing face to face (much too close) and Jackson starts to make his move. He actually went in for a kiss!!

I'm happy to report that Sophie/Erin had the good sense to put up her hand and push him away. That-a-girl, Erin! Chase the boys, make them interested and push them away. Keep up the good work, especially about 10-17 years from now.

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