Saturday, February 7, 2009

Oh Boy...

Oh Boy... I've made a decision and not yet said it out loud! That's right - I haven't told anyone - just made a commitment to myself and completed an on-line registration for the 3 Day Walk to Fight Breast Cancer. This walk is about 60 miles and takes place in early August - you'll hear plenty about it in the upcoming months.

I did The Avon Breast Cancer walk several years ago - I think it was 2001. I did it by myself and did the entire thing. I walked every stinkin step. It was probably the hardest thing I've ever done. Walking on my own made me totally and completely accountable for the walk. Sometimes I wonder if I had a partner if it would have made it easier to jump on the bus and stop walking.

So, please keep me on track - inspire me - motivate me - kick me in the butt - be my friend. And, if you want to get in shape (like me) think about walking. It'd be nice to have a partner to walk with. But, trust me - if you're my partner ... you're walking the entire walk!


Ann said...

Hi Nancy,

Just discovered your other blog - your daughters are adorable! And, good luck with the walk training - wow! :-)

But when I read that you've been in Florida for a while, I wondered how you've been Freecycling?! I can only think you must have planned it all in advance and have a friend or neighbor helping you? THAT's dedication! :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's great your going to do the Walk again. Awesome!

Sara said...

I'm glad to hear that someone else is taking on the challenge. I'll definitely check in on you, and please do the same for me. It'll be nice to have someone to hold me accountable who is going through the same thing. Thanks, Nancy.


Susan W said...

You are tempting me to join you this time! THere's an event at work on Aug 7 - once I know if I "have to be there" I'll let you know about the 3 day :) Good for you Nancy!!!