Monday, April 5, 2010

Swimming Lessons!!

Today was our first day of swimming lessons.  The kind of lessons where the parents don't come in the pool.  Actually, we are not even in the pool area.  We watch from a viewing area!  They are getting so grown up!

They thought it was so fun to wear their swim suits and cover-ups to the lesson.  And, since it is in the evening, they came home in their nighties, complete with wet hair - this was super cute!

They both did great!  Ev ran away from us so she could be the first in line - this is VERY different from her usual ways.  Normally she will be the very last in line.  Not swimming.  They had 3 instructors and about 10 kids and had their lesson in the zero depth pool.  They wore bubbles on their backs, floated on noodles, worked on blowing bubbles in the water and even had a treasure hunt!  They can't wait to go back next Monday night!!

I'll add pics to this blog soon!

1 comment:

Susan W said...

How exciting! They are getting so big and so brave :)