Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Last week we went to a birthday party for little Paul.  It was a beautiful day and we got to play on their huge driveway!  The kids loved riding big wheels, running around and acting like maniacs.  Ev proved once again to be a determined little girl.  She spent about 90 minutes learning to ride a bike.  She was kind and let others take a turn when they asked, but the second their bottom got off the bike, she was back on it.  She completely on her own figured out how to ride - start to finish.  And, she is great at it!

Erin has also learned how to ride on her bike (with training wheels).  The first time out we could not find helmets and that kept Erin at a snails pace.  But, once we found our helmets she sped up and is doing quite well.

However, Evie is the speed racer in the family.  She goes super quick and then gently presses the brake to slow down and see what is taking everyone else so long.  She even "hot dogs" it with some tricks.  It is really fun to see her excel athletically - and to see her just love riding her bike.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Wow - Ev did sound very determined spending all that time figuring out how to ride a bike. How fun! Good for both of them!