Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cooper is 8 Months Old!!

Hard to believe, but my little man is 8 months old! He is still the best little guy ever! Really, there is nothing little about him. He is so long and although not pudgy, he is not little. He is solid and strong! He loves to sit and play with his toys. He scoots around in circles to see what's around him. And, if he'd give it a try, I am certain he could crawl or scoot around! He seems to want to have tracks, but just not the patience or energy to give it a try. I am sure any day he'll just get to it!!

We think he finally has the 'sleeping all the way through the night' thing under control. He goes to bed around 7pm and wakes areound 5 or 6. If he wakes at 5, he'll chug a bottle and sleep till 7. Life is good!!

He is also a great eater. Though peas are not his favorite food, he really does seem to like most everything else. He is not a big fan of much texture yet, but loves the purees I make. I just made him a spinach, lima bean, corn, carrot, green bean mix and he is all over it! Sometime I mix it with yogurt or applesauce - but he loves it!! He is also pretty good at putting food in his mouth - nicely developing pincer grasp!! In fact, he just ate his first teeting biscuit - what a mess.............

Coop smiles a LOT. He loves to laugh when the girls dance for him. He smiles back at you when you smile at him. He also gets the biggest kick out of splashing in the tub. He can sit in the tub now all by himself without a seat and can navigate pretty well with bith Erin and Evelyn bathing with him (so far, only 1 incedent of sibling to sibling peeing).

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