Sunday, August 24, 2008

Birthday Weekend Getaway

In celebration of Nancy's thirty-(censored) birthday, we shipped the girls off to their grandparents and headed off to a weekend in Lake Geneva Wisconsin.

We stayed two nights at Roses, a B&B in town. One of the strange things about this place was that the bed in our room was really really high. There were literally step stools to climb into bed. Perhaps this was a sign of high society in Victorian times, but we were just a bit nervous about falling out of the bed.

One really great thing we did was take a Mail boat tour. Once a day a boat goes all around the lake and delivers the mail to the houses on the water front. The boat now sells tickets and talks about the houses and their histories as we go around the lake. As the boat goes up to a pier, someone jumps out of the boat runs onto the pier where homeowners put up mailboxes. They put in the mail and then jump back onto the boat without it ever stopping. It was so neat to watch this and learn about the 140 years of Lake Geneva history.

Nancy and I had a dinner at a great old fashioned fish fry on Friday night at a place called Mars. It was right on the water of Lake Como. Good food and a fantastic atmosphere at an old time Wisconsin joint (complete with lots of cigarette smoke, dark wood paneling on the walls, sticky floors and two illegal video poker machines in the corner). What a great time.

One of our goals on the weekend was to sleep in, but that really didn't happen because we kept waking up at about 7:00 AM all by ourselves and just couldn't go back to sleep. We did manage to take a nice nap on Saturday afternoon (who gets to take a nap anymore?).

It was a slow, relaxing, and sometimes even boring weekend where Nancy and I just got to hang out with each other and enjoy each other's company. It was something we'll remember for a very very long time.

1 comment:

Kayte Gazdic said...

I'm glad you had fun on your trip!