Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Cooper's Melon...........

Okay, from the beginning...

A few days after Cooper was born, his doctor showed us a small mark on the back of his head.  He never made a huge deal of it, but monitored and measured it.  Well, as his head grew, so did the mark.  When Coop was 4 months, we had a referral to a pediatric dermatologist to confirm that the mark is a nevus sebaceous.  That means a collection of oil glands.  The mark was not very noticeable - flesh colored, slightly textured, raised a bit and would never grow hair.  Not a big deal today, but some day has a likelihood to turn cancerous - especially due to the size of Coopers.  Currently, it was about the size of a nickel with a tail - looked like Idaho - upside down.

So, the ped derm wanted it to be removed immediately.  Her rationale for removing it when he is so young is that he has more skin on his head than he'll ever have - and his recovery will be easier now than if he has it done later in life.  Two weeks later, we are at Children's Memorial Hospital having the mark removed. 

He handled everything like a champ!!  The hardest part was not eating when he woke and until everything was complete.  This was a long stretch for him.  He was a champ until about 9:40 and then got pretty mad about not eating.  Thankfully they took him away and finished in about an hour.  I got to hold him while he was in and out of sleep and thankfully, we were finally able to feed the little guy!

He even got to wear a silly hat!  When Ev saw him, she said "Hello my little unicorn!"  So cute!!!   We got a lot of funny looks about his head - he looked like he had brain surgery - not just a simple mark removed.  We felt very lucky to be leaving Children's Memorial Hospital and not needing to return.  So many other parents are not that lucky...

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