Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My girls are 4!

It is hard to imagine that my baby girls are no longer babies.  They are 4 years old - so confident, so beautiful, so funny, so different and just wonderful little people.  I really do find it hard to remember back to the days when they were babies or even toddlers.  Sadly, everything is such a blur - that's why I enjoy keeping the blog - it helps me remember the little things... and the big ones!

We had a few parties to celebrate their big day.  A family party, playgroup party and friend/classmate party!  Each was very different - simple family, bounce house and gymboree - but each was also just wonderful.  The magical thing is that the girls enjoyed our family party that had no outstanding bouncie or magician or anything crazy just as much as they did the party at gymboree or with a bouce house.  They just love to have fun - and don't compare things to a standard of what fun should be.

We are blessed to have these little girls in our lives and it does make me nervous knowing all the different things I need to teach them and expose them to so they can grow up to be productive, moral, successful, women.  But, I already know that each of them is both special and beautiful inside and out.  I can't wait to see what lies ahead in the next 4 years - heck, in the next 4 months!

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