Friday, October 3, 2008

Another job for the resume...

I've had many jobs in my day - I worked at Subway making sandwiches and then managing the store - American Eagle and Bloomingdales gave me plenty of retail experience - at CNA I did everything imaginable - and now I am a Realtor. But, my newest line item for the resume is jukebox dj. That's right. I have a new gig!! Picture this...

I am driving my pretty little girls around town (to playgroup or the pool or whatever) and they scream out songs that I must play immediately! It is the funniest thing. They don't let it go - they will make their requests over and over until I can find the right song. I have even taken to having a post-it on the dash with their favorite hits and track numbers. Lately, their favorites include: Wheels on the Buss, Hokey Pokey, 5 Little Monkeys, Buzz Buzz and Choo Choo.

My life is so glamorous.

1 comment:

Susan W said...

ooo la la! Such a swanky life you lead my dear...I'm guessing I'll be in that same place in a year or so with babygirl.

Have you thought about an ipod nano or something just for the kiddo's music? It's something I'm contemplating (don't have one at all yet - the idea of the kid music gives me an excuse to consider one!)