Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas comes to our house

For as long as I can remember, Christmas was all about waking up early, rushing down to get my presents and then traveling all day to visit extended family. Well this year will be similar but significantly different.

Nancy and I are not going out to my parents house in Harvard this year. The girls are getting older and it's time to cut the cord. I must admit it feels a bit strange but I guess this is part of really growing up. Now we have our own family and our own Christmas traditions which begin with waking up at our house.

Erin and Evelyn have quite a healthy dose of the holiday spirit this year. They LOVE seeing houses decorated in Christmas lights, they know not to touch tree ornaments because they are fragile, they know they are not to open any packages sitting under the tree, and they sing lots of Christmas songs including Frosty, Santa Clause is Coming to Town, Rudolph, and Happy Birthday (to Baby Jesus).

They recognize Santa, but are nowhere near ready to sit on his lap. But, this has not stopped Nancy and me tormenting them by taking then to several of Santa's Helpers in malls and other events and getting lots of precious freaking out photos.

Just because our family won't be having a carbon copy Christmas like in years past, there are many traditions Nancy and I want to continue. My parents, Dan and Nickie will be coming over to our house in the morning to open presents. We will be eating a large breakfast of scrambled eggs, ham, and croissants with hollendase sauce and the girls got their annual pair of Christmas jammies.

Nancy and I have finished all our wrapping and are going to bed so grateful for the wonderful, happy, and healthy family we have. We are truly blessed both with friends and so many family members who love us and who we love. Here's to many many years of happy and appreciated holidays going forward.

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