Monday, December 1, 2008

No Night Night!

So, today was pretty hectic - the first day back to our normal routine. All morning the kids seemed a bit tired - still recovering from a few late nights. I put them in their cribs for a nap and went downstairs. Of course they did not drift off to sleep quickly - so I went back up and told them to go to sleep - and changed a diaper. Left the room and hoped for the best. I left the gate at the top of the stairs open because it makes noise opening and closing it.

A while later I was in the family room on the first floor talking with my friend Heather. All of a sudden I hear them running around upstairs screaming "No Night Night". They run down stairs and make loops around the first floor screaming "No Night Night". They are giddy with their accomplishment.

This is the first time either of them has climbed out of the crib! And, they both did it! What did I do over the holidays to deserve this punishment!!! Looks like our big girl beds will be put to use sooner than we had expected. I am really nervous and not very happy.

1 comment:

Carris Family said...

This took my breath away...the world as I know it has been rocked! I thought your girls would be in college before they were moved out of their cribs! I can only imagine how you must feel! :)

Good luck on the transition. I am sure it will go better then you are expecting! Molly