Sunday, September 28, 2008

What's new here...

It really seems like every day the girls are doing funny things - things that just make you laugh. I love this age! I love how everything is so new to them. I love the independence they have - if you tell them to get in the car they do it! I love how they love life and enjoy everything. Here are a few cute/funny/special stories we've had lately.

- Too Funny! The girls babysitter says everything is too funny. Well, guess who now says everything is too funny!! Erin is too funny - Ev is too funny - I am too funny - everything is too funny.

- We went to the beach on Friday and had a blast. We had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on the sand. How you can enjoy a sandy pbj still amazes me. Well, as usual, they loved their little sandwiches. Erin put hers down and a seagull swiped it! Just like in her Curious George book. She was even able to communicate this to Dave when he got home from work. Her communication skills are ever growing and expanding!!

- I Did It! The girls love to profess when they do something. Well, at lunch the other day the girls were enjoying salami. Erin decided to put the whole piece of salami in her mouth and worked at chewing it for a long time - and finally swallowed it. She then proclaimed "I did it!" Well, darling, I am glad you managed to swallow your whole piece of salami without choking - good job!!

- Yesterday right after naps Erin was jumping on her bed and banged her tooth on the crib and hurt herself. The amazing thing was that she could tell us what happened. This is a very new skill - and really helps us know what the heck she is thinking!

- Tonight at dinner Erin very quickly ate her hot dog and wanted more. I told her there was no more - which made her a little sad. Ev then handed me her fork with a bite of hot dog on it - for Erin. So sweet.

- Evelyn loves cashews. She might be one of those people who picks them out of a mixed nut bowl.

- The girls are really enjoying listening to music - this weeks favorites include: Snuggle Puppy, 5 Monkeys Jumping on the Bed (2 different versions) and Wheels on the Bus. One day I listened to 5 Monkeys for about 2 hours straight and almost drove the car off a cliff.

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