Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Hungry Hungry Caterpillars…

Today Nancy went to help our cousin prepare centerpieces for her upcoming wedding and I got to watch the kids for the morning. It's been quite a while since I had the girls alone for the majority of the day, and man, can these girls eat.

For breakfast they had half a quart (not just a pint) of strawberries, breakfast cereal, and a bacon/egg toaster strudel.

After breakfast I thought we would kill some time by going to the local Farmer's market where the girls had a bag of popcorn and scone. Erin was very happy to see all of the fruit stands and tried to steal a peach. As Evelyn was sweet talking her way at another stand and getting a sample carrot, Erin crawled under a table at the fruit stand and grabbed a huge hand full of blueberries from the stockpile. She stuffed as many blueberries in her mouth as she could -- while I pulled her away -- she stored the rest in her mostly empty bag of popcorn.

Erin and I had a heart-to-heart talk about the reasons why we shouldn't steal from the Farmer's Market but I don't think her heart was in it. Perhaps she was listening but I think its difficult to listen to Dad when there is a table of crackers and sample jellies within reach. Go figure...

On the way out of the market heading back to the car we had to pass the fruit stand again and Erin ran back to the blueberries. Filled with berry-filled inspiration and giggling gleefully, she reached up for a full pint of blueberries and started digging in. Erin was clearly telling me that we were to buy this pint of blueberries and since her hands were all over it I figured we probably should. Back at the car, Evelyn with her carrot and Erin with her feedbag of popcorn and blueberries we headed off for the Kohl Children's Museum.

Evelyn enjoyed pretending to be a veterinarian while Erin banged away on the computer. After about an hours of playing in the kids grocery store and the pretend car wash we headed back home for lunch. After such a huge breakfast and all of the snacks at the market they could not possibly be hungry for lunch right?

Did you every read the Hungry Caterpillar?

They had quesadilla slices, a hot dog, half a jar of apple sauce and crackers ... and still asked for more. My better judgment told me that it was time to cut them off. They couldn't still be hungry at this point.

Time for naps (for all of us, phew). Nancy came home and I was happy to turn the reigns over to her. It's days like this that remind me how much I appreciate all she does for the family. If I had to do this five days a week... well let's just all be glad I don't.

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