Monday, July 21, 2008

What a weekend!

Wow - the weekend was busy!!! Friday night was pretty yucky in terms of weather, and I can't really even remember what we did, so it must not have been too fun ;-(.

But, Saturday we started the morning at swim class where both girls did very well. Erin has really warmed up to the water and is doing just terrific!! After class we had to get home and get ready for the 50+ people coming over for dinner. Yes, another party. My brother and his family is in town from Arizona, so I wanted to have the entire family and all 25 kids over. So, it was mass-chaos!! There was a fun game of baseball in our front yard where our neighbors car was 2nd base - and it got hit over and over - aren't you glad you're not my neighbor!!

On Sunday Dave and I had a retreat all day and that is always fun for us. We do retreats for engaged couples and it is always a good time for us to reconnect. That evening we had a "twins club" picnic. It was fun to see double all night.

So, that's it - a busy weekend!! When I have photos from the family party I'll post them - I think they'll be pretty crazy!

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